Although Riot consistently updates League of Legends and strives to maintain game balance, there are still mage champions whose skill sets secure them a spot among the strongest mid lane mages regardless of the current meta.
Mage champions strong regardless of the meta.
Top 5 powerhouse mid lane mages dominating the League of Legends meta
1. Ziggs
The explosive Yordle bomber always finds himself on the roster of meta champions in League of Legends. With the ability to farm and clear waves quickly from a safe distance using the Q+E combo, self-protection with W, and massive long-range damage with R, Ziggs possesses everything one needs in a mid lane champion. Particularly, Ziggs boasts the fastest turret destruction among all mage champions, possibly even the entire game, creating immense pressure whenever he's in play.
2. Ryze
Ryze has perhaps undergone more alterations by Riot than any other champion. Despite numerous skill reworks, even complete overhauls, Ryze remains overwhelmingly dominant throughout seasons. Presently, Ryze boasts excellent wave clear with the E+Q combo, formidable straight-up crowd control, which makes him particularly troublesome against agile champions currently in favor. Moreover, his R - Realm Warp presents limitless creative potential depending on the user's ingenuity, capable of lane swaps, ambushes, or sneaky objective takes.
Towards late game, few mages possess the sheer burst potential of Ryze. Even in combat, a moment's negligence can send your team reeling from Ryze's swift E+Q combos.
3. Vel'Koz
Vel'Koz boasts incredibly strong points that set him apart from other mages. Despite his lack of mobility, touching Vel'Koz is no simple task when you must dodge his Slow, Knockup, and his considerable standard damage output. With swift minion clearing, sturdy health scaling, and potent combat capabilities, Vel'Koz remains a formidable challenge in the hands of adept players.
4. Xerath
Xerath has seen minimal changes over the past 4 to 5 seasons, yet this has contributed to maintaining his strength consistently across all League of Legends metas. He dominates lanes with his long-range spells, discourages engages with a stunning ability, and deals devastating damage from afar with his ultimate. He's perhaps the most annoying champion when in the hands of skilled players who can effectively utilize skill shots.
5. Twisted Fate
Considered a must-master mid lane champion by Faker and beloved by the 'God of Solo Queue' Dopa, Twisted Fate possesses skills and steadfast strength throughout various metas. His versatile abilities such as W - Pick a Card, wave-clearing Q, and long-range ultimate make him incredibly irritating in supporting teammates and providing advantages for all members. While not strong in solo 1v1 situations, Twisted Fate's nuisance factor is unmatched.
Here are 5 incredibly powerful mid lane mage picks across all metas in League of Legends up to the present. League of Legends officially enters the Pre-Season phase of Season 11, check out League of Legends 9.23 update here.