1. Essay presenting the opinion 'You Need to Have Convictions in the Face of External Influences' number 1
We only live once, so why try to make ourselves like others? Let's live as ourselves, have our own convictions in the face of external influences. Let's always believe in ourselves, live to the fullest, always be ourselves. People who live as themselves are those who always believe in their own abilities, are satisfied with their appearance, don't pay attention to or compare themselves to others. They live with goals, plans, dreams, and know how to strive, try hard, and maintain their stance for that goal. In addition, those who live as themselves will not be influenced from the outside, have their own opinions, perspectives, and have the awareness to protect their views. Living as yourself has great significance: Each person who lives as themselves creates different personalities, different colors, from which we can absorb the good qualities of others to improve ourselves. Furthermore, people who always stay true to themselves are those with a firm stance, from that firm stance we gain more motivation, confidence to implement our plans. When someone is not themselves, they are just borrowing life from others, temporary, indefinite. In addition, there are still many people who lack self-confidence, do not trust themselves, always only see their weaknesses and live in sinking, longing to be like others... these people if they do not reconsider their way of living will soon become indefinite. This life is ours, determined by us, let's be ourselves, let's strive to improve ourselves without trying to be like anyone else.

2. Essay presenting the opinion 'You Need to Have Convictions in the Face of External Influences' number 3
'No matter what others say or do, our hearts remain steadfast like a three-legged stool.' This folk saying provokes many reflections on one's own convictions in the face of external influences. So what is conviction and what role does it play in life? Conviction is a viewpoint, a stance. People with convictions have their own stance, are not easily swayed or influenced by the words or actions of others. Conversely, those without their own convictions are easily swept away by judgments or evaluations, or even make themselves feel tense and restless. Having convictions or maintaining one's own stance is extremely important, it is the foundation for us to carry out our plans, dreams. It helps us always have a clear and alert mind, not feeling pressured to always consider what others think of us, or of our actions. In every issue, every person has their own thoughts, their own opinions because they have different perspectives on different aspects of the issue. That's why one's own convictions in the face of external influences are essential. However, don't confuse having your own convictions with a 'conservative' lifestyle, unwilling to listen to others' opinions, always considering your own opinion as the right one. Because sometimes, we have to know how to listen, how to assess to see if our viewpoint is really correct. Therefore, whether we are studying, working, or in any position in society, each of us must have a firm stance, and know how to intelligently absorb the opinions of others, using our intelligence to clearly distinguish right from wrong and adjust accordingly.

3. Essay presenting the opinion 'You Need to Have Convictions in the Face of External Influences' number 2
Each of us is born as a unique individual, with our own personality, our own colors, no one is like anyone else and no one lives to be a copy of someone else. Therefore, let's live our own lives and have our own convictions. Conviction is a viewpoint, a stance. People with convictions have their own stance, are not easily swayed or influenced by the words or actions of others. Convictions help each person maintain their stance, their viewpoint, thereby following the directions, plans that they have set for themselves. Your value is not about where you were born, how you started, but about how much effort and dedication you put into achieving your goals. To succeed has never been easy and the journey you take on that path will help you discover your true value. Rejecting yourself means you are missing out on the opportunity to improve yourself. Besides, there are still many people without convictions, blowing with the wind, always listening to others' opinions,... These people will find it difficult to succeed in life. Everyone born has their own strengths that we ourselves must find. Cultivate your soul by yourself, live simply for a simple life. Then, you will find the right path and happiness, don't diligently search for your own way holding someone else's map just because you admire them.

4. Essay presenting the opinion 'You Need to Have Convictions in the Face of External Influences' number 5
There is an opinion that: 'Everyone needs to have their own convictions in the face of external influences'. This statement has affirmed the necessity of human convictions when 'facing' the impacts of life. Simply put, 'convictions' are personal viewpoints, opinions. 'External influences' are the changes in life, circumstances, and also the words, opinions, judgments, and impacts of others. With convictions, people will have a clear and sensible way of looking at and evaluating issues, and they will not be passive in the face of situations but actively seek solutions and handle them in the most effective way. People with convictions will easily achieve success because they dare to think and act without being discouraged by the impacts of life, nor do they deviate from their original development direction. On the contrary, without convictions, human stance will be easily influenced by circumstances and by the judgments and opinions of others. At that time, people will feel confused and fluctuate in what they are doing, ultimately creating psychological pressure on themselves. It's good to accept sincere and well-intentioned criticisms and suggestions from others to improve and develop oneself, however, we also need to be aware and discerning to distinguish right from wrong, and to uphold our own convictions when receiving feedback because not all feedback is sincere and correct. Talking about convictions, there is an old proverb: 'No matter what others say, our heart remains firm as a tripod.' Let's absorb the teachings of our ancestors, let's maintain our own stance, our own convictions to take control of our lives and avoid negative influences from the outside world.

5. Essay presenting the opinion 'You Need to Have Convictions in the Face of External Influences' number 4
Living with convictions not only helps individuals live true to their 'self' but also is an important factor in helping people succeed. 'Convictions' are personal judgments, assessments. With convictions, individuals will be able to maintain a clear and insightful perspective in any situation without being swayed or confused by external influences. In life, there will be many times when your opinions will contradict those of others, but it does not mean that your thoughts are wrong. Standing firm with your opinions, your stance, will contribute to creating different values. However, it is also necessary to objectively assess the situation, the feasibility of ideas, and avoid being conservative with impractical ideas in life. Living with convictions does not mean rejecting all feedback, comments from others. Listen to feedback to help yourself have a broader, more comprehensive view of the issue, but be receptive with insight, clarity, and conviction. To master situations and limit negative impacts from life, we need preparation, thorough thinking before making any decisions. With preparation, thoughtful consideration, we will be more confident in our own convictions.

6. Essay presenting the opinion 'You Need to Have Convictions in the Face of External Influences' number 7
Steve Jobs once said: 'Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice,' what you need is conviction. Conviction is personal perspective, stance, it is an expression of individual capacity and ability to think. People with conviction are decisive, confident, and courageous in both thinking and life. They have intelligence and critical thinking. Therefore, they are easily successful in life and often make significant contributions to society. Like the story of Nguyen Ai Quoc, who decided not to go to Japan or China but to the heart of the French Empire to seek liberation. People with conviction are not swayed, dominated, or pressured by external factors such as gossip, groupthink,... In any society, there is a need for people with conviction. Because conviction is the factor that brings about differences, creativity, and courage, it is a component of self-leadership and community leadership. At the same time, conviction helps people have a comprehensive view of an issue, stimulates them to think to understand the truth, rather than just follow collective thinking. But conviction does not mean being conservative, stubborn, or unwilling to listen. People with conviction need to be receptive and reassess their personal views for a comprehensive evaluation of correctness, rationality in them. Therefore, each individual should think deeply, have convictions in every issue, while also accepting and understanding opposing views to have a comprehensive perspective.

7. Essay presenting the opinion 'You Need to Have Convictions in the Face of External Influences' number 6
Life is filled with myriad challenges, to create value, one's own uniqueness, alongside leveraging talents, human effort, one must have convictions, personal stances. 'Convictions' are understood as personal perspectives, stances, opinions. People with convictions are those with consistent perspectives, stances; they adhere to their own viewpoints without being influenced by the words or actions of others. In the face of external influences, maintaining one's convictions helps individuals stay steadfast with their original goals, maintaining a consistent, unified development direction. Having the important quality of convictions helps individuals realize dreams, aspirations because those with convictions remain calm amidst changing circumstances, not swayed by opposing comments from others. Faced with an event, each person will have a different way of perceiving, evaluating it, so maintaining one's convictions is extremely important. We cannot achieve our goals if we are constantly influenced by circumstances or chasing after subjective opinions, judgments of others. However, we also need to clearly distinguish convictions from conservative, stubborn thinking. Living with convictions does not mean disregarding all contributions from others but requires discernment, selective acceptance without losing the ability to evaluate issues, one's own convictions. To master life and achieve one's goals, realize one's ideals, each person needs to have their own convictions in the face of external influences, alongside selectively absorbing the opinions of others in a clear, discerning manner.