In each League of Legends meta, standout champions emerge in their roles with exceptionally high win rates and are consistently prioritized for climbing the ranks, especially in high-ranked play. Here are the most favored champions by skilled players.
The most favored champions by skilled players currently
Top champions specialized for climbing high ranks in LoL 9.20
1. Kai'sa
With an incredibly high pick rate and outstanding win rate, Kai'sa proves to be the strongest marksman at the moment. Featuring versatile gameplay, she can adapt her item build based on the match situation, excelling in both early aggression and late-game scenarios. Whether building attack speed, critical strike, or ability power items, Kai'sa remains robust. With high mobility, a skill that boosts movement speed, stealth, and a dashing ability, Kai'sa becomes exceedingly powerful in the bottom lane.
2. Lee Sin
For many seasons, Lee Sin has consistently been the most beloved jungler, especially among high-ranked players who highly appreciate his elegant and skill-demanding playstyle. Possessing high early-game strength, he actively invades the opponent's jungle to gain an advantage—a strategy commonly used by skilled players to unleash the full potential of the Blind Monk.
3. Qiyana
Despite being a recent addition, Qiyana has garnered high praise for her agility and potent burst damage. Her ability to engage large targets should not be underestimated, especially with her explosive ultimate, 'Supreme Display of Talent.' Skilled players often deploy Qiyana in the jungle and mid-lane, leveraging her mobility to roam and provide strategic advantages for the team.
4. Pantheon
Being 100% banned in the World Finals somewhat speaks volumes about Pantheon's strength after the rework. With skills boasting high damage, crowd control, close combat, combined with strong damage resistance and an easily impactful ultimate, Pantheon is highly favored in Top Lane, Mid Lane, and Jungle.
5. Nidalee
Nidalee consistently stands out as a jungle pick with exceptional versatility, featuring immense mobility. Her quick jungle clearance and agile movement allow Nidalee to relentlessly invade the jungle and gank across the map, posing a challenge for opponents to control. Nidalee's substantial damage output makes her a frequent choice for ranking up among skilled players.
Here are the top champions favored by skilled players for climbing the ranks in League of Legends. You can explore more about Riot's latest game, League of Legends: Wild Rift, set to release on mobile. The game offers incredibly engaging gameplay. You can refer to how to download and play League of Legends: Wild Rift on Mytour's website.