English is one of the most popular and widely used languages globally. Assuming an estimated 2 billion people worldwide, constituting approximately 30% of English speakers. This is the very reason why English learning apps have been developed to serve the language learning needs of people around the globe.
Top Free English Learning Apps for iPhone
1. LearnEnglish Grammar
Developed by the British Council, LearnEnglish Grammar comprises thousands of questions and practical exercises to enhance the English grammar skills of users at various levels, ranging from A1 to C2.
If you're searching for an app to improve your English grammar skills from basic to advanced, LearnEnglish Grammar is the ideal choice for you.
Download LearnEnglish Grammar to your device and install it here.
2. Murphy's English Grammar in Use
Murphy's English Grammar in Use is a valuable resource for learners at all levels. With comprehensive explanations and exercises, this grammar guide is a go-to for honing English language skills.
Built upon the book of the same title, Murphy's English Grammar in Use is tailored for individuals with a foundation in English who aim to enhance both their grammar and speaking skills.
Key features of the app include quizzes that allow users to assess the grammar units they've learned and listening exercises to improve speaking and listening abilities.
To download Murphy's English Grammar in Use to your device and install it, visit here.
3. Learn English grammar tenses
Learn English grammar tenses comprises lessons from basic to advanced, enabling learners to track their progress. At the end of each lesson, there are questions and exercises to evaluate learners' understanding. Through these questions, individuals can identify areas of knowledge and grammar that require supplementation and reinforcement.
To download Learn English grammar tenses to your device and install it, visit here.
4. FluentU
FluentU is the perfect choice for those seeking an English learning experience close to 'real-life' through videos such as music videos, movie trailers, news, and more related to this language.
Videos in FluentU are categorized from easy to difficult. Additionally, subtitles are provided to help learners understand the content of the videos. Simply click on any word to view its meaning, pronunciation, genre, and more.
Download FluentU to your device and install it here.
5. Duolingo
The free English learning app Duolingo is available for both iPhone and Android. With Duolingo, you can learn and enhance vocabulary, English grammar, and improve speaking and listening skills through lessons right on your iPhone.
The primary limitation of this app is that it is not suitable for individuals with prior language knowledge who aim to enhance their language proficiency.
Download Duolingo to your device and install it here.
If you're looking to improve your English pronunciation through apps, the Top English Pronunciation Software is the best choice for you. Choose the best software for yourself.
Here, Mytour.vn introduces some free English learning apps for iPhone. We hope these language learning apps will somewhat help you improve your English skills for future studies and work.