Ming is a hero in Arena of Valor transferred from Honor of Kings, designed as a magical Support with a set of buff effects on champions. This hero is highly regarded by gamers for his unique skills, especially his ultimate, which is like Tulen's Thunderbird, just 'Pro Max'.
As a relatively new Support at the current time, Ming has not been extensively tested in terms of strength. Although he possesses excellent finishing ability against enemy heroes thanks to his ultimate with large standard damage to the point of game error, he has two critical weaknesses: no ability to traverse terrain and no crowd control. Therefore, in today's series of unconventional Arena of Valor lessons, I will introduce to everyone the curriculum of Ming slowing down, partly eliminating the second weakness. Let's follow the article to learn more about the playstyle of this build.
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What is Ming's Slowing?
As previously outlined, when utilizing this curriculum, we will equip items along with runes to enhance Ming's ability to slow enemies. This will significantly enhance the effectiveness of a Support lacking in stuns or skill effects. Additionally, this curriculum will improve Ming's durability, addressing some limitations in mobility compared to other Supports.
Runes Table
- 10 Red Runes III: Magic Power
- 10 Purple Runes III: Attack Speed/Movement Speed
Ming is a magical Support with a kit focused on buff effects, heavily relying on his magic power. Therefore, regarding the rune setup, we will prioritize enhancing magic power to optimize the effects that this card can induce when connecting to allies or enemies. Additionally, Mytour will also prioritize adding a bit of cooldown reduction to increase the spamming ability for this hero.
- Speed Boost
Ming lacks mobility as he lacks skills to increase running speed or traverse terrain. Therefore, I'll prioritize enhancing Speed Boost to mitigate some of his weaknesses, while also increasing his survivability after skirmishes or catching enemy solo players.
- Primary Branch (Primeval Forest): Sharpness - Survival - Adventurer
- Secondary Branch (Luminous Tower): Holy Light - Secret
The emblems tailored for Ming in this item build have the primary branch of Adventurer, aiding in enhancing the slowing effects on champions and making it easier to mark enemies. As for the secondary branch, I will opt for the offerings of the Luminous Tower as they provide additional cooldown reduction and enhance the maximum magic damage based on Ming's original magic power.
- Tidal Force - Sturdy Boots - Frost Staff - Frost Cape - Shield of the Lost - Holy Book
In today's episode of the unique curriculum for Ming in Arena of Valor, I'll be crafting a gear setup rich in effects, falling into the semi-tank semi-magic category. Leading the lineup is the familiar supporting item Tidal Force, aimed at lightly buffing Ming's magic power while increasing armor for allies.
Equipment for Ming's SlowingSturdy Boots will provide better crowd control resistance while also offering a small amount of magic armor. You can also switch to Hermes' Shoes for easier lane rotation and team support. The three slowing items will be the main theme in today's lineup, including Frost Staff - Frost Cape - Shield of the Lost.
These are items with a semi-tank orientation that provide significant slowing effects, making it easy for Ming to continuously spam, reducing the enemy's mobility, and increasing damage output when casting spells. They will help mitigate some of the weaknesses of this Support champion since he inherently lacks any abilities or passive effects with stunning effects.
For the final slot, I'll choose the Holy Tome, a fitting item for Ming due to the significant magic damage and maximum health it provides. This will allow Ming to maximize the potential of his third ability, similar to the Vital Spellbook - rapid health regeneration in Arena of Valor, laying the groundwork for Ming to continuously engage in combat without needing to recall.
The unconventional curriculum in today's Arena of Valor suits Ming quite well, allowing players to apply it effectively during gameplay or tryharding to climb the leaderboard with this card. This curriculum will maximize Ming's strengths by fully utilizing the inherent benefits of his third ability and the significant magic damage provided.
Some of Ming's weaknesses will also be partially addressed by using slowing items, reducing the opponent's mobility and enhancing his resilience, ensuring this champion isn't too fragile in intense skirmishes.
Is Playing Slow Ming Worth It?There's an important note to consider: Ming's ultimate ability can deal significant true damage to enemy champions while subtracting the corresponding lost health. However, this mechanism won't cause you to die when using it at low health. Utilize this tip to optimize your resilience in combat and use your abilities judiciously to avoid undesired deaths.
Explore more: Unconventional Lesson in Arena of Valor: Tel'Annas Slows Down - When the 'goddess' is abandoned by Aya