Pomelo boasts a variety of vitamins, minerals, and outstanding antioxidants, turning it into a wholesome addition to your dietary regimen with numerous health advantages. It delivers abundant nutrients while being low in calories. In fact, it stands among the fruits with the lowest calorie content. Research indicates it brings about robust health benefits, including weight reduction, preventing constipation, and promoting heart health.
A single pomelo (approximately 620ml or 610 grams) contains:
Here are 9 exceptional health benefits of pomelo that you should be aware of.
Health Benefits of Grapefruit
1. Promotes Weight Loss
Grapefruit has a relatively low calorie count compared to the substantial amounts of protein and fiber it provides. Consuming low-calorie foods rich in protein and fiber can help you feel full for an extended period, making weight loss more manageable by reducing calorie intake. Additionally, grapefruit contains a compound that can enhance the fat-burning process, making it one of the most effective natural fruits for weight loss.
Moreover, grapefruit contains a compound that can enhance the fat-burning process, making it one of the most effective natural fruits for weight loss.
2. Enhances Heart Health
Consuming grapefruit helps reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 15.5%. LDL cholesterol, a type of fat, can accumulate in arteries, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, regularly eating grapefruit is highly beneficial for heart health.
The combination of fiber, potassium, lycopene, vitamin C, and choline in grapefruit contributes to improving heart health.
3. Anti-Aging Properties
Grapefruit possesses anti-aging properties due to its high antioxidant content, including abundant vitamin C, and the ability to reduce the formation of AGEs, preventing skin damage and maintaining a youthful, vibrant appearance.
Furthermore, grapefruit peel oil is rich in antioxidants and can reduce melanin production on the skin, preventing discoloration and sunspots.
4. Boosts Immune System
Grapefruit is highly regarded for its abundant vitamin C content, known for its antioxidant properties to protect cells from harmful bacteria and viruses. Additionally, some studies have shown that vitamin C is beneficial in faster recovery from common colds.
Grapefruit benefits the immune system as it contains various vitamins and minerals known for their role in preventing infections. Including vitamin A, proven to protect against inflammation and certain infectious diseases.
5. Good for Digestive Health, Prevents Constipation, and Treats Indigestion
Eating both the flesh and white pith of grapefruit significantly improves constipation. If experiencing diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, or hard stools, consuming 5 – 6 pieces of grapefruit pith can help regulate bowel movements. The pith is rich in fiber, stimulating intestinal contractions.
Grapefruit peel aids in digestion and air circulation. Slicing grapefruit peel into strips, boiling them to make a concentrated tea, has the effect of alleviating cold symptoms and treating indigestion.
6. Reduces the Risk of Stroke
Grapefruit contains Flavonoids that reduce the risk of stroke. Research experts have found that regular consumption of citrus fruits like grapefruit can significantly lower the chances of experiencing a stroke.
7. Beneficial for Pregnant Women
Grapefruit aids the efficient absorption of calcium and iron in the body, making it highly beneficial for health. Moreover, grapefruit contains abundant natural Folic Acid, particularly advantageous for women preparing for pregnancy and those who are already pregnant.
Axit folic aids in preventing anemia while also exhibiting exceptional benefits for the fetal development. Additionally, guava, rich in potassium and lycopene, helps mitigate high blood pressure, a common precursor to pre-eclampsia in expectant mothers.
8. Effectively lowers blood sugar
Guava contains Naringenin, known for its health-protective properties. Naringenin effectively aids in treating diabetes, enhancing the body's sensitivity to insulin. Regular guava consumption contributes to diabetes management, reducing the risk of progression to severe conditions and dangerous complications.
9. Prevents osteoporosis
Guava enhances bone health and reduces the potential risk of brittle bones. The compressive effects of guava are recognized for their bone benefits, diminishing the vulnerability to weak and easily fractured bones.
Some considerations for those avoiding guava
The optimal time to indulge in guava is during the morning, post-breakfast, for improved digestion. Alternatively, it can be consumed at any time of the day, ensuring it's not eaten on an empty stomach. However, certain individuals are advised against it, such as:
– Individuals consuming alcohol or tobacco. Guava contains puranocoumarin, which increases intestinal enzymes, intensifying the toxicity of nicotine in cigarettes and ethanol in alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it's recommended to wait approximately 48 hours after consuming alcohol before enjoying guava.
– Individuals experiencing diarrhea or with poor digestive systems. Guava, being cooling in nature, can exacerbate diarrhea symptoms when consumed excessively by those with weak digestive systems. Therefore, if one's constitution is delicate, it's advisable not to consume excessive guava. Typically, guava is used to cool the body, but excessive intake can lead to abdominal pain and discomfort.
– Individuals currently taking antibiotics. Components in guava have the potential to reduce the effectiveness of antibiotic absorption into the body. Hence, it's recommended to wait a minimum of 2 hours after medication to prevent adverse effects on the body's drug absorption.
Additionally, individuals taking weight loss medications or anti-allergy drugs should exercise caution when consuming guava or guava juice, as it may lead to headaches, rapid heartbeats, irregular heart rhythms, muscle pain, and even myocardial infarction.
Posted by: Lê Hải
Keyword: 9 Health Benefits of Guava You Shouldn't Overlook