Guide to Signing Up for 30 Days of Free Spotify Premium
To sign up for Spotify Premium for free, you need to:
- Download and install the ViettelPay app for Android: Download ViettelPay for Android
- Download and install the ViettelPay app for iOS: Download ViettelPay for iPhone.
* How to Create a MasterCard Using the ViettelPay App
To sign up for Spotify Premium for free, you need to create a virtual international payment card through this ViettelPay app.
Step 1: Access the ViettelPay app and follow the steps to register to use this app. In the main interface of this app, we press select the Account icon and select the MasterCard international card information as shown below.
Next, we will perform selecting the Check card information item.
Step 2
Afterward, you will need to confirm the notification from the switchboard by typing 1 and Send as shown above.
Step 3: Once the system notifies the transaction completion, you've successfully created an international MasterCard payment card, and the card details will be sent to your mobile subscription.
* How to Sign Up for 30 Days of Free Spotify Premium
After successfully creating the international payment card, we will proceed to sign up for Spotify Premium for free as follows:
Step 1: You access the Spotify app on your phone that has been installed previously, then select the Premium section.
Next, we will select the Use Premium section.
Note: For iPhone devices, you need to access the Spotify Premium registration address HERE.
Afterward, proceed to log in and follow the next steps.
Step 2 : Here to sign up for Spotify Premium for free, you will fill in the international payment card information that we have successfully created above, and select the Start 30-day trial section.
Immediately, the system will proceed to check and notify you that you have successfully signed up for Spotify Premium for free for 30 days.
* How to Cancel Spotify Premium Renewal
To cancel the renewal of Spotify Premium subscription when you don't want to use it anymore, or to avoid spending money, you follow these steps:
Step 1 : You access the Spotify account management address HERE.
Step 2 : Upon successful access, you should log in to your Spotify account.
After successful login, you will sequentially select the Change or Cancel option as shown above. Then choose Cancel Premium.
Step 3 : At this point, the system will ask you to confirm whether you want to cancel your Spotify Premium subscription, as well as cancel the renewal of this service or not, press select Yes, Cancel.
Immediately, the system will notify you that you have successfully canceled your Spotify Premium subscription. However, if you are still within the Premium period, we can still continue to use this service.
So we have just together learned about the steps to sign up for 30 days of free Spotify Premium, which is currently receiving a lot of attention for using all the features of this service. Hopefully, you have successfully registered and have your own experiences with this entertainment application.
In addition, you can also refer to the article guiding using Spotify as well as how to install this app on your phone for those who have not yet found out where to download and how to install this popular entertainment app.