Thong Linh Su H5 is a game developed by G123 with a diverse character system, including Knights, Princesses, and Angels. Thong Linh Su H5 features authentic 2D graphics that vividly portray the unmistakable Japanese Manga style.
Experience Thông Linh Sư H5 - A strategic game with a strong Japanese Manga flavor
Mid-Autumn Festival Code: ZHONGQIU2019
Exclusive 2000 Sign-up Code: THONGLINHSUH5
Exclusive 4000 Sign-up Code: THONGLINHSUKIMCUONG
Exclusive 8000 Sign-up Code: THONGLINHSUVIPUSER
Unlock a special gift with code THONGLINHSUOPENBETA for 15,000 registrations!
Don't miss out! Use code THONGLINHSUGAMEHAY for 30,000 sign-ups and claim your rewards!
Guide to Redeem Thông Linh Sư H5 Codes
Step 1: To get exclusive Thông Linh Sư H5 GiftCodes, visit the game's official website Here and select GiftCode as shown below at Mytour.
Step 2: Login to your Thông Linh Sư H5 game account and click Log In if you have an account. If not, press Register right next to the Log In tab.
Step 3: After successful login, proceed to the GiftCode section as in Step 1 and enter your phone number to receive Thông Linh Sư H5 Code. Click Update.
A notification window will appear as shown below, indicating that you have successfully registered for Thông Linh Sư H5 Code. The rewards will be sent directly to the phone number you provided above.
In Thông Linh Sư H5, there are various types of GiftCodes that players can acquire. Join the official Fanpages and Groups of the game to obtain valuable Thông Linh Sư H5 Codes.
- Join the Thông Linh Sư H5 Fanpage Here
- Join the Thông Linh Sư H5 Group Here
How to Redeem Thông Linh Sư H5 Code for Rewards
Step 1: Log in to the game and click on the Benefits interface.
Step 2: In the Benefits interface, drag the tab to the right and select the character icon with Exchange Gifts as shown below. Enter the Thông Linh Sư H5 Code in the Enter GiftCode box and click Exchange. Check your character's inventory to ensure you have received all the items from the code.
So, you and Mytour have just explored how to claim Thông Linh Sư H5 Codes, a gratitude gift for gamers from MangaPlay. Kiếm Tung 3D, also a tactical role-playing game launched in early September, brings numerous essential equipment and items through the Kiếm Tung 3D Code to greatly assist gamers in the initial stages.