Unlocking Legendary Units at Levels 9 and 10 in Auto Chess Mobile


Frequently Asked Questions


How can I find legendary units in Auto Chess Mobile at levels 9 and 10?

To find legendary units at levels 9 and 10 in Auto Chess Mobile, focus on reaching level 9 (3% chance) and level 10 (6% chance) to maximize your chances of acquiring them.

What is the chance of getting legendary units at level 9 and 10 in Auto Chess Mobile?

At level 9, the chance of getting legendary units is 3%, and at level 10, it increases to 6%. These chances apply individually to each chess piece.

Should I focus on legendary units early in the game in Auto Chess Mobile?

No, it's better to focus on building a strong lineup early on. Spending all resources on legendary units without a solid team may lead to early elimination.

How do I increase my chances of acquiring legendary units in Auto Chess Mobile?

You can increase your chances by saving money in early rounds and leveling up quickly. Reaching level 8 or higher significantly improves your odds of obtaining legendary units.