Once your device is detected and its root status is confirmed... to root Galaxy S7, press
Ensure a stable connection. Never touch or disconnect the cable while performing the procedure, as it may lead to major, hard-to-resolve errors.
Kingo initiates the rooting process... you'll need to wait a few minutes for this process to proceed smoothly through its steps.
Upon successful completion, Kingo will notify you
Rooting Successful!and we press
Completeand wait for the phone to reboot.
Step 3. Setup after Successful RootingOnce the device finishes rebooting, press '
Authorize' to access
Superuser privilegesthen utilize applications outside Google Play as well as other tricks that require rooted devices.
Here, Mytour.vn has guided you on how to Root Galaxy S7 using the Kingo tool. Additionally, since this is a new device model, issues like 3G connectivity problems, Wi-Fi errors, call failures... have limited repair guides; in case your S7 encounters 3G issues, you can refer to our previously executed guide on
fixing Galaxy S7 3G issues. Wishing you successful Galaxy S7 rooting!