In critical situations where you run out of phone credit and can't top up immediately—whether trekking in the mountains, exploring highlands, by the sea, or during the night—but have an urgent matter and no money for calls and SMS, there's still a way to send messages via USSD without charges.
Note: Exclusive to Viettel network users, and the recipient must also be on Viettel network.
Unlocking the Secret to Sending Free Texts on Viettel Network When You're Out of Credit.
Step 1 : Access your phone's dialer, dial *533*123#
Step 2 : Press 1 and press Send to dispatch the message.
Step 3 : Enter the phone number and message content (without accents), then press Send.
Step 4 : The message sends successfully, the recipient's number will receive a notification but without a ringtone. Enter 1 to read the message.
Step 5 : The received message looks as shown below.
So, we've guided you on how to send free USSD messages on Viettel network in emergency situations—it's extremely useful. Additionally, you can download some of the hottest games for your phone right now, such as Temple Run 2 and Top Eleven.
Explore this informative link for tips on sending free messages on Viettel network when your account is low on funds: