In this era of technological advancements, graphic design on computers is no longer unfamiliar. From recruitment flyers to banners disseminated across social media platforms, the realm of graphic design has broadened. Among these tasks, designing menus for restaurants and cafes can be a lucrative endeavor due to the widespread presence of such establishments. Are you aware of how to create a restaurant menu using Microsoft Word on your computer? If not, dive into this article to learn the steps!
Creating restaurant menus with Microsoft Word
Step 1: Firstly, open the Microsoft Word software > in the New section, type
Step 2: Menu templates will appear, simply choose the one that suits your needs > click Create.
Step 3: Edit the content of the dishes offered by the restaurant until it fits your preferences.
Step 4: After finishing editing, press the Home button > select Save As > find a suitable location to save and press Save.
So now you know how to create a restaurant menu with just a simple step on Microsoft Word, right? With this article, you can create simple menus for yourself without the need for separate design fees.
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