The evolution of anime in the international market began with the 2000s fan generation, coinciding with the rise of the Internet and television. Despite being perceived as children-friendly cartoons, anime started airing after school hours, serving as a form of entertainment. This contributed to increased interest from younger audiences in anime, even though some stereotypes persisted, claiming anime was suitable only for arrogant kids. Fortunately, this perspective gradually shifted as the Internet and social media gained momentum in the 2010s.
Currently, the consumption of anime plays a crucial role in turning it into a global trend. The emergence of paid online streaming platforms like Crunchyroll and Netflix completely transformed audience accessibility. For a nominal fee, viewers can enjoy entire anime series with high-quality visuals, free from ads or malicious code.
The Internet and social media also provide opportunities for audiences to share experiences, impressions, and discussions with others, and even directly interact with the filmmaking teams. It enables international audiences to feel immersed in the world of their favorite anime series and contribute to the success of those series.