Utilize VLOOKUP function for two-way lookup


Frequently Asked Questions


How can the VLOOKUP function be used for two-way lookups effectively?

The VLOOKUP function can be effectively used for two-way lookups by combining it with the MATCH function. This allows you to create dynamic column indices, ensuring that your lookup remains accurate even when columns are added or removed.

What are the advantages of using VLOOKUP with the MATCH function?

Using VLOOKUP with the MATCH function provides flexibility, allowing your formulas to adapt to changes in the table structure. This combination helps avoid errors when columns are inserted or deleted, ensuring accurate lookups.

Can the VLOOKUP function break when columns are deleted from the table?

Yes, the VLOOKUP function can break if columns are deleted. However, using VLOOKUP combined with the MATCH function allows your lookup to remain functional and accurate despite changes in the table.