In the world of One Piece, the brilliant scientist Vegapunk has successfully duplicated the powers of all three types of Devil Fruits: Logia, Zoan, and Paramecia.
Within the One Piece universe, Dr. Vegapunk has replicated the powers of some Devil Fruits coveted by everyone.
Let's delve into these Devil Fruits below!
1. Pika Pika no Mi
For fans of the Japanese manga One Piece, since chapter 509, we've known that the laser attack of Pacifista is inspired by Admiral Kizaru's laser beams. X Drake mentioned that besides Bartholomew Kuma's body, Vegapunk successfully recreated Kizaru's offensive power.
However, regarding the power of Logia-type Devil Fruits, Vegapunk mentioned in chapter 1070 that despite his best efforts, reproducing it is extremely challenging. Perhaps this is why the only thing successfully mimicked so far is Kizaru's laser-shooting ability, not the full potential of the Pika Pika no Mi.
2. Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu
As Vegapunk noted in One Piece chapter 1070, the only Devil Fruit type that can be artificially produced to date is Zoan. He believes that with ample time, even special Devil Fruits could be replicated, though awakening them remains unconfirmed.
Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu (Azure Dragon) is a mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit successfully researched by Vegapunk, resulting in an artificial Zoan fruit (the artificial Zoan that Momonosuke consumed). Despite this, creating it, as revealed by Vegapunk in chapter 1067, was far from easy. He invested 20 years, along with a significant amount of capital.
As seen, even by consuming the synthetic 'copied' version, Kozuki Momonosuke has wielded various powers similar to the genuine Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu. For example, Momonosuke successfully created Flame Clouds and executed Bolo Breath.
However, there remains an issue—the dragon form of Momonosuke is pink instead of the original green. Therefore, Vegapunk considered this artificial Devil Fruit of his as a failed product.
3. Sui Sui no Mi
During his research, Dr. Vegapunk discovered that by grasping the 'genetic factor' of Paramecia abilities, one could extract a special blood called Lucida and control it. This blood is then utilized to create Seraphim - beings referred to as the 'strongest humanoid.'
And S-Shark is the recipient of the artificial power from the Sui Sui no Mi. Senor Pink's Devil Fruit allows the consumer to swim almost on any surface, from the ground to walls, enabling them to attack or pull opponents deep into the ground.
4. Mero Mero no Mi
In One Piece chapter 1070, S-Snake is confirmed as someone who can harness the power of the Mero Mero no Mi, similar to Boa Hancock. This Paramecia-type Devil Fruit allows the consumer to execute attacks based on the desires or corrupt thoughts of their opponent, turning them into stone.
5. Nikyu Nikyu no Mi
In One Piece 1070, it's confirmed that S-Bear can utilize Ursus Shock, a potent technique derived from the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, previously demonstrated by Bartholomew Kuma. Of course, this ability is also attributed to Lucida.
Thanks to this, S-Bear has harnessed the power of one of the strongest Paramecia abilities in the series, with the capability to propel anything they touch at an incredibly high speed.