What is the exchange rate of 1 badge to cash in Liên Quân?
1 badge equals 500đ
How to obtain costumes and accessories in Liên Quân?
How much is 1 badge worth in Liên Quân?
Guide to purchasing badges
Step 1: Top up badges by accessing the official Garena top-up page HERE.
Step 2: Choose Liên Quân Mobile as the game to top up badges, then select Garena as the login method.
Step 3: Log in with your Garena account.
Step 4: There are various payment methods available for topping up badges, but topping up with Airpay wallet will give you the best exchange rate, with 1 badge equal to 500đ.
We hope that with this article, you now understand the exchange rate of 1 badge to cash in Liên Quân. You can easily top up badges to exchange for desired items in Liên Quân.
In addition, you can also refer to the article on how to play Liên Quân Mobile on PC shared on Mytour.