AUD Exchange Rate, How to Convert Australian Dollar to Vietnamese Dong
How much is 1 AUD in Vietnamese money?
1. How much is 1 Australian dollar in Vietnamese currency?
According to the latest updated AUD exchange rate chart:
1 AUD = 15,123 VND (1 Australian dollar is approximately 15,000 Vietnamese Dong)
With this exchange rate, we can easily convert various denominations of AUD as follows:
- 50 Australian dollars in Vietnamese money: 50 AUD = 756,183.305 VND
(50 Australian dollars equals seven hundred fifty-six thousand one hundred eighty-three Vietnamese Dong)
- How much is 100 Australian dollars in Vietnamese money in 2020: 100 AUD = 1,512,366 VND
(100 Australian dollars is approximately one million five hundred twelve thousand Vietnamese Dong)
- How much is 1000 Australian dollars in Vietnamese money: 1000 AUD = 15,123,661 VND
(1000 Australian dollars is equivalent to fifteen million one hundred twenty-three thousand Vietnamese Dong)
- How much is 1 million Australian dollars in Vietnamese currency? 1,000,000 AUD equals 15,123,660,588 VND.
(1 million Australian dollars is equivalent to fifteen billion one hundred twenty-three million six hundred sixty thousand five hundred eighty-eight Vietnamese dong)
2. Which country uses AUD as its currency?
The Australian Dollar (currency code AUD) is the official currency of Prosperous Australia, widely used in Australia, Christmas Island (AU), Norfolk Island (AU), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (AU), Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Nauru.
Apart from Australia's territory, the Australian dollar is distinguished from the US dollar by symbols $, A$, or AU$.
One Australian dollar is divided into 100 cents. Common AUD coins include 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, 1 AUD, 2 AUD, and paper currency denominations of 5 AUD, 10 AUD, 20 AUD, 50 AUD, 100 AUD.
For a deeper understanding of the Australian Dollar concept on Wikipedia, please refer to Here.
3. Currency converter from Australian Dollar to Vietnamese Dong
In Vietnam, for a quick update on today's AUD exchange rate, people often visit the central bank's website ( or the websites of reputable banks like Vietcombank, Techcombank, Viettinbank, etc., and check the exchange rate section. However, if you want to explore buying and selling rates for various currencies, you can refer to how much 1 Australian dollar equals in Vietnamese currency through the following guides:
Method 1: Update AUD exchange rates via Google search
To check the Australian dollar exchange rate today, open your web browser on your phone, computer, or tablet, search with keywords like 1 AUD to Vietnam dong (1 AUD Dollar to Vietnam dong or 1 AUD to Vietnam dong currency), and the latest AUD exchange rate will be provided.
How to convert 1 Australian dollar to Vietnamese dong on Google search
Method 2: Utilize the Currency Converter tool
Step 1: Access the Currency Converter app on your phone
If you haven't installed this software, you can click to download Currency Converter Here
Step 2: Choose the currency to convert, from Australian Dollar (currency code AUD) to Vietnamese Dong (currency code VND), then enter the amount you want to convert
Step 3: The screen displays the conversion result.
Here, Mytour has shared with you the concept of the Australian Dollar (Aussie dollar) and some ways to convert 1 AUD into Vietnamese currency. Hopefully, this information will help you quickly convert the value of AUD and calculate your investments effectively.
Similar to AUD, the exchange rate of the Euro (common currency of Europe) is also of great interest to many. If you want to understand more about the Euro as well as know how to convert 1 Euro into Vietnamese currency and understand more about this currency, you can refer to this article by Mytour.