Wondering what to do if your graphics card isn't running? Many are curious about this question. Typically, when the graphics card isn't running, it's because the computer lacks fully installed drivers or the automatic running feature for the dedicated card hasn't been set up. Let's explore and understand the errors and their solutions together!
Don't forget to install the driver for your graphics card!
The first issue I'm addressing is that you may not have installed the driver for your computer's graphics card. To check if the card isn't running due to this issue, press the Windows + X key combination, select Device Manager, and click on Adapters.

If the name of the graphics card appears on the screen, it means the driver has been installed on your computer.
If the graphics card doesn't appear on your computer screen, it means your computer lacks the necessary driver. What to do if your computer is without a driver? Follow these steps:
Onboard Graphics Card
Open Control Panel, select View by, choose Small icons, and finally click on Device Manager to open the computer's driver control program.
After clicking on Device Manager, select the Display Adapters category. Choose the Intel device, then select Update Driver Software to install Intel HD Graphics. Now, find Browse my computer for driver software and click on it. At this point, locate and select the onboard card driver file... The Intel HD Graphics installer has started. What to do now? Just wait. 'Waiting is happiness,' isn't it? Everything is done, the installation process is complete.
Dedicated Graphics Card Not Running
For this type of graphics card, the installation method depends on the manufacturer. Therefore, you must identify which type of graphics card your computer is using. In my previous article 'Laptop Screens - Are There Many Types?' I shared information on how to check your computer's graphics card. If you haven't read the article, I'll briefly remind you of a quick way to perform the check right now.
Press Windows + R or go to Start and type Run. Then select DXDIAG and press OK or Enter. Click on Display and find the name and manufacturer.

For Nvidia manufacturers
Visit NVidia.com/download/scan.aspx and choose the 'ActiveX' command for further actions (if required).
The next step is to patiently wait for the browser system
After the scan is complete, proceed with the download.
Once the download is finished, proceed with the driver installation
For ATI graphics cards
Now, navigate to support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/pages/index.aspx and follow the instructions on this page.
For Intel users
No more delays, click directly on intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect.
You will be guided to update the latest driver version right on the website. Or if you need assistance, don't worry, Intel's website has troubleshooting features for installation and a support contact section to help you.
If you haven't enabled the automatic running feature for the dedicated graphics card, the graphics card won't run
Manufacturers of dedicated graphics cards not only establish the automatic running feature but also allow you to customize it as per your preference.
First, right-click on the desktop screen, then select Configure Switchable Graphics as shown in the image. If you don't see the option after right-clicking, try searching through the Windows search toolbar.
Now, a new window appears on the screen. In the Graphics Settings command, there are the following options:
- High performance
- Power saving
- Based on power source
For applications or software where you want to use the dedicated card, select High performance and press apply.