Which ages are suitable for home construction in 2022?


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the auspicious ages for house construction in 2022?

The auspicious ages for house construction in 2022 include homeowners born in 1953, 1955, 1962, 1965, 1971, 1974, 1983, 1989, 1998, 2001, and 2003. Homeowners should avoid ages associated with the negative influences of Kim Lâu, Tam Tai, or Hoang Ốc to ensure a favorable outcome.

How does Feng Shui influence age selection for home construction?

Feng Shui principles significantly influence age selection for home construction by associating cosmic energies with specific ages. This practice aims to harmonize the energies of the year with the homeowner’s age, ensuring a smooth construction process and minimizing potential risks or negative outcomes.

Is 2022 a favorable year for home construction according to astrology?

Yes, 2022 can be a favorable year for home construction if homeowners select auspicious ages and avoid negative influences. Understanding the astrological context of the year Nhâm Dần helps guide homeowners in making informed decisions about their construction plans.

What should I consider when borrowing an auspicious age for construction?

When borrowing an auspicious age for construction, ensure the lender is older, falls within favorable ages, and has a positive family connection. The lender's household should also be free from misfortunes during the borrowing period to enhance positive energy and ensure a successful construction.

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