ATM cards facilitate various transactions such as cash withdrawals, transfers, utility bill payments, electricity bill payments, etc., swiftly and conveniently. However, banks levy different fees for card usage, including withdrawal fees, transfer fees, maintenance fees, transaction fees, etc. Among these, withdrawal and transfer fees are fixed regardless of the amount transferred or withdrawn, and each bank applies varying fee rates. This fee structure often causes headaches and dissatisfaction among many individuals.
Which bank provides free interbank transfers?
Currently, many banks are interconnected with robust security systems. This enables banks to be more confident in their policies of free cash withdrawals and transfers. This attractive incentive is hard for many to overlook, so which bank offers free cash withdrawals and transfers?
Which bank provides free cash withdrawals and transfers?
Most banks charge withdrawal and transfer fees for each transaction to cover system maintenance and technology investment costs. However, there are still a few banks that waive both of these fees.
- Banks offering free domestic cash withdrawals: SHB, SeaBank, LienVietPostBank, Techcombank (for salary accounts).
- Banks offering free domestic and international cash withdrawals: VIB (with Freedom package), TPBank, LienVietPostBank, KienlongBank, OceanBank ...
- Banks offering free domestic transfers via Internet Banking: VPBank, Sacombank, KienLongBank, SCB.
- Banks offering free domestic and international transfers via Internet Banking: VIB, Techcombank, TPBank.
Overall, it's quite evident that TPBank is currently implementing a policy of free cash withdrawals and both domestic and international transfers.
Presently, some banks offer tailored incentives depending on the type of card you're using. If you have a high-value card, expect to receive numerous benefits.
Here are a few banks that have already adopted a policy of free ATM withdrawals and online transfers. However, this policy might undergo changes in the near future due to the escalating trend of cash withdrawals and transfers.
In addition to banks offering free withdrawals and transfers, Mytour also consolidates and compares withdrawal fees across different banks to help readers easily compare withdrawal fees and choose the best card service.