Which spelling is correct: giày xéo or dày xéo in Vietnamese?


Frequently Asked Questions


Which is the correct spelling: giày xéo or dày xéo?

The correct spelling is 'giày xéo' according to the Vietnamese dictionary data by Hồ Ngọc Đức. This term expresses the action of ruthlessly stepping on someone or something, while 'dày xéo' is considered a misspelling.

What does the term giày xéo mean in Vietnamese language?

'Giày xéo' is a verb that describes the brutal action of stomping on someone or something repeatedly. It conveys a sense of destruction and contempt, often used in contexts of oppression or emotional distress.

Is the term dày xéo a valid phrase in Vietnamese language?

No, 'dày xéo' is not a valid phrase in Vietnamese. It combines words that individually have meanings but together create a nonsensical term, making it a misspelling compared to the correct 'giày xéo'.