1. Why do air conditioners leak water?
This is the phenomenon of air condensation in the room. The temperature of the coolant, ranging from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius, cools the air passing through the room. On the surface of the evaporator coil, humid air will condense, and water droplets will drip into the catch tray placed just below and then follow the water pipe to drain out. This is a normal occurrence when the air conditioner is operating. If the room reaches the desired temperature, it will become comfortable. Therefore, a certain amount of air will condense into water droplets flowing through the drainage pipe.
This is a common phenomenon when the air conditioner is in operation. When the room reaches the required temperature, it will create a comfortable environment. Hence, a certain amount of air will condense into water droplets and flow through the drainage pipe.
2. Can air conditioner water be consumed?
The water flowing from the air conditioner is essentially pure water, which users can boil and drink. However, after some time of use, the copper pipes and other internal components may accumulate bacteria, algae, and harmful mold.
Therefore, the water flowing from the air conditioner will mix with impurities from the copper pipes and will not be as pure and clean as initially. If you intend to use water from the air conditioner, ensure that components such as the air filter and water pipes have been thoroughly cleaned to guarantee absolute safety.
3. Ways to Utilize Water from the Air Conditioner
The water from the air conditioner can be used, but it is not suitable for drinking or household purposes. Even if you boil the water, it will still contain dirt and bacteria, making it challenging to completely eliminate them.
If you want to use the water flowing from the air conditioner for drinking, filter it through a water purifier to remove impurities or harmful agents. Alternatively, you can use this water source for watering plants, household cleaning, car washing, etc.
The above provides answers to why air conditioners leak water and whether it is advisable to utilize the water discharged from air conditioners, which you need to understand. Remember to bookmark for reference and application. Don't forget to follow Mytour for quick updates on the most useful information.