In the realm of anime and manga, the image of characters bleeding from their noses has become a humorous template to express strong emotions. This peculiar phenomenon is believed to originate from the Japanese concept that excitement and tension raise blood pressure, resulting in nosebleeds.
In popular anime series like One Piece and Dragon Ball, orange nosebleeds are a common and amusing way to describe the intense emotions of characters. Sometimes, nosebleeds indicate a character's attraction or stimulate humorous physiological desires. At other times, it's used to portray a character in shock or awe, adding to the tension of the scene and entertaining fans.
In some cases, nosebleeds signify a character's excitement or fondness for something. It demonstrates that in the anime world, nosebleeds can also convey intense emotions.
While this may not closely resemble real-life human reactions, it's a technique commonly used by manga artists for one simple reason. It's fun!
In the world of anime and manga, characters often experience exaggerated physical reactions to emotions, and nosebleeds are just one of the many humorous ways to illustrate this.
Sanji from One Piece has nosebleeds as common as meals due to his womanizing nature.Authors could have simply made characters blush intensely when extremely excited, but they opted not to. Instead, they chose to incorporate this iconic element into their works as a way to entertain fans with the quirky traits of characters when they are happy or excited.
And let's be honest, do you think the 'orange bleeding' scenes of characters in anime and manga are genuinely entertaining?