The Winter 2022 anime season will witness a fierce battle for the top spot between Kimetsu No Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen and Reincarnated Jobless Part 2.
The fall 2021 anime season has passed, revealing the top 10 masterpieces of the season. Although Mushoku Tensei - Reincarnated Jobless Part 2 claimed the throne, it won't be an easy feat to repeat in Winter 2022.
With the successful legacy and anticipation from the first part, Mushoku Tensei - Reincarnated Jobless Part 2 quickly rose to the top and maintained its position for many weeks in the fall 2021 season.
Currently, Mushoku Tensei - Reincarnated Jobless Part 2 continues its run in the Winter 2022 anime season. Unlike the fall season, it faces fierce competition for the top spot, particularly from the renowned franchise Kimetsu No Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen.
After 4 episodes, Kimetsu No Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen has captivated fans with its adaptation of the Red Light District arc, offering an enticing storyline and stunning character designs. With the allure of the Kimetsu No Yaiba franchise and its quality animation, it's a formidable contender for the top spot in Winter 2022.
In general, we'll need to wait for the results of the first week of the Winter 2022 anime to see whether Kimetsu No Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen or Mushoku Tensei - Reincarnated Jobless Part 2 has the upper hand. What about you? Are you a fan of either of these two anime? Which masterpiece do you think will come out on top in the Winter 2022 anime season? Share your thoughts!