Vietnamese individuals studying, working, financially investing, or engaging in buying/selling contracts with individuals or organizations in Uzbekistan need to grasp the UZS exchange rate to estimate conversion values and choose the most advantageous time for UZS transactions.
Curious about converting 1 UZS to Vietnamese Dong (VND)?
Uzbekistani Som is the currency unit of Uzbekistan. UZS is divided into smaller units called tiyin and soʻm. Commonly circulated denominations of Uzbekistani Som include 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, and 10,000 Som.
According to the latest updated UZS exchange rate:
1 UZS = 2.44 VND (or approximately 2.5 Vietnamese Dong)
With this conversion rate, we can easily exchange the value of Som currency into Vietnamese Dong as follows:
- 10 Som = 24.4 VND (1 Uzbekistani Som equals two point four Vietnamese Dong)
- 50 Som = 122 VND (Fifty Uzbekistani Som equals one hundred twenty-two Vietnamese Dong)
- 100 Som = 244 VND (One hundred Uzbekistani Som equals approximately two hundred forty-four Dong)
We hope that our insights into currency exchange rates, and how much Uzbekistani Som equates to Vietnamese money here on Mytour, will leave you satisfied. Additionally, for simplifying currency conversion, you can check out our recommended list of the top currency conversion apps in our previous articles.
Moreover, if you enjoy shopping online from overseas, it's crucial to understand how much Vietnamese money equals 1 USD to accurately convert the value of goods from US dollars to Vietnamese currency.