When it comes to the hottest Support picks in this season's meta, Xeniel and Y'bneth stand out. These two Liên Quân champions are still highly favored by professional players and have incredibly high pick rates both in ranked games and at APL 2023.
So, when both Y'bneth and Xeniel are present in a match, which one will provide the most advantages and effectively cover for the team? To help gamers gain an objective view of these Liên Quân champions, let's evaluate the Support matchup in detail through this article.

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Ruggedness, Endurance
Xeniel: This guy boasts an incredibly thick armor from his first skill - Divine Protection, making Xeniel resilient against powerful damage throughout all stages of the match. This armor also increases with his level and health, making him formidable in soaking up damage for teammates.

Y’bneth: His ultimate, Seed of Life, makes Y’bneth extremely durable. It allows Y’bneth to self-cover with a shield that can block a large amount of damage, immune to crowd control, and can continuously attack enemies by casting powerful seeds.
Overall, these two Support champions excel in resilience, possessing high armor and health pools. Both also have abilities to enhance their ruggedness: Xeniel with Divine Protection for significant armor boost, while Y’bneth's Seed of Life makes it difficult for enemies to approach. Xeniel 8/10; Y’bneth 8/10.
Discomfort Level
Xeniel: Xeniel's discomfort level lies in his second skill - Force of Will, which also adds to his agility. With the ability to leap to a designated point within range and knocking enemies hit by the skill into the air for 0.75 seconds. Additionally, this Liên Quân champion possesses Salvation's Mission to fly to a designated ally's location, providing long-range support and a solid armor buff. One thing to note is his third basic attack also slows enemies by 50%, aiding Xeniel in escaping near-death situations, allowing him to leap away just in time.

Y’bneth: All three skills of this Liên Quân champion can create immense discomfort for the enemy team. Specifically, his first skill - Divine Protection slows by up to 80%, a significant hinderance especially in the early game. Moreover, when attacking 5 targets or 2 enemy champions, this skill is empowered, with the ability to push back, making Y’bneth formidable in defense and pressure.
His second skill - Nature's Wrath stuns for 1 second, described by players as a 'natural slap' that victims can truly feel. Finally, Seed of Life not only attacks enemy champions but can also slow them by 60%, making it too risky for anyone to approach, especially Assassins.

Both Liên Quân champions have their own discomfort levels, but Y’bneth undoubtedly dominates with 3 crowd control skills compared to Xeniel's lone skill. Not to mention Y’bneth's versatility in stunning, slowing, and pushing, whereas Xeniel relies on luck and player skill.Xeniel 7/10; Y’bneth 9/10.
Healing Capability
Xeniel: Xeniel's sole ability to heal comes from his ultimate - Salvation's Mission, which is also his signature move. After leaping to the designated location, the 'angel' aids himself and allies within range, restoring 10% of maximum health, extremely reliable.
Y’bneth: Y’bneth's healing capability is also highly praised, as he possesses the innate ability, Mother Earth, to regenerate 2% of maximum health while standing in bushes, easily reaching full health without the need to recall. Additionally, each seed from his ability Seed of Life hitting enemy champions will also restore 2% of his health, providing him with extra resilience and better recovery.

Looking objectively, Y’bneth seems to have a better healing capability, although this ability only affects himself. Meanwhile, Xeniel can heal both himself and other allies. However, in this comparison between the two champions, Y’bneth likely edges out Xeniel in this aspect. Xeniel 7/10; Y’bneth 8/10.
Damage Dealing Ability
Xeniel: Since his adjustment, Xeniel's damage dealing ability has become extremely potent. The explosive shield accumulation from his first skill can cause a significant amount of damage, scaling with his health. This means the tankier Xeniel becomes, the more damage he can inflict. Additionally, his innate ability, Chronicle's Challenge, allows Xeniel to deal damage based on % of health, enabling him to attack quite effectively.

Y’bneth: This Support champion can swiftly annihilate squishy enemies. Specifically, all three of Y’bneth's abilities deal damage based on his own maximum health. Particularly, his first ability inflicts massive damage, especially when empowered, and has a relatively fast cooldown, allowing for continuous spamming.
Continuing to outshine, Y’bneth possesses 3 abilities that deal damage based on % of his maximum health. While Xeniel deals magic damage, which is better in the early stages of the match but significantly limited in cooldown and having only one ability for damage.Xeniel 6.5/10; Y’bneth: 8/10.
Team Support Capability, in Combat
Xeniel: Supporting teammates is Xeniel's forte with Salvation's Mission, allowing him to fly to allies at any time. This means Xeniel can support teammates across the entire map and provide them with an incredibly thick shield. After Xeniel lands, the targeted ally receives healing and a significant speed boost.

Y’bneth: With extremely annoying abilities, Y’bneth can utilize this to cover, support teammates as best as possible. Proper use of slowing, pushing, or stunning abilities will easily help teammates secure kills. Additionally, his ultimate with a wide range will impose many limitations and hinder enemy approaches to Marksmen, the team's main damage dealers, especially in team fights.
In summary, both Liên Quân champions excel in protecting and supporting in combat, however, it seems Xeniel has this covered. He can protect allies anytime, anywhere.Xeniel 9/10; Y’bneth 7/10.
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Xeniel vs Y’bneth will undoubtedly be an intense matchup with highlights. If these Liên Quân champions are in the hands of skilled players who can utilize their advantages, then 'victory or defeat at SP' is indeed real. Hopefully, this article will provide you with a specific, accurate, and unbiased perspective on the roles and strengths of these cards.