Cai Mon is a quintessential Southern Vietnamese village in Ben Tre, primarily dedicated to cultivating fruit trees. Each year, this craft village supplies the Southern market with a variety of seedlings such as durian, mangosteen, cat mango, longan, etc. Currently, Cai Mon Fruit Garden is a popular choice for many young travelers visiting Ben Tre. Here are some travel experiences at Cai Mon Fruit Garden for you to consider.
Explore Cai Mon Fruit Garden
Where is Cai Mon Fruit Garden located?
![Traveling to Cai Mon Fruit Garden](
Traveling to Cai Mon Fruit Garden (Photo by ST)
Located in Vinh Thanh commune, Chợ Lách district, Ben Tre province. According to the research documents of the writer Son Nam on the culture of the Southern region, 'The name Cai Mon originates from ancient times when this land had persimmon trees, blooming flowers all year round, attracting many honey bees. From Cai, meaning a large canal, Mơn in Khmer means honey.'
Directions to Cai Mon Fruit Garden
![Directions to Cai Mon Fruit Garden – Ben Tre](
Directions to Cai Mon Fruit Garden – Ben Tre (Photo by ST)
To reach Cai Mon Fruit Garden, travelers can find directions online to Vinh Thanh commune, Cho Lach district, Ben Tre. Cho Lach district is located in the area of Cu Lao Minh, about 40km from Ben Tre city. From the center of Ben Tre city, cross Ham Luong Bridge in the direction of National Highway 60 for about 4 kilometers to Tan Thanh Binh - Mo Cay Bac intersection. Then, turn right onto provincial road 882 connecting with National Highway 57 for about 10 more kilometers to reach Cai Mon Fruit Garden.
What does Cai Mon Fruit Garden tour offer?
![Team Travel to Cai Mon Fruit Garden](
Team Travel to Cai Mon Fruit Garden (Photo by ST)
Cai Mon is considered the land of famous 'healthy and sweet' fruits in Cho Lach district, Ben Tre. Every year on the 5th of the lunar May - Doan Ngo Tet, various fruit festival activities attract a large number of tourists from both inside and outside the province.
![Harvesting Ripe Fruits in Cai Mon Orchard](
Harvesting Ripe Fruits in Cai Mon Orchard (Photo by ST)
Visiting Cai Mon Orchard, travelers will be captivated from the first sight upon entering the orchard. Clusters of ripe red fruits cover the branches, seemingly wanting to 'occupy' the entire space of the leaves. It is not wrong to say that this is the largest fruit orchard in Ben Tre province in particular and the Southwest region in general.
![Tourists Exploring Cai Mon Fruit Garden](
Tourists Exploring Cai Mon Fruit Garden (Photo by ST)
![Variety of Fruits in Cai Mon Orchard](
Variety of Fruits in Cai Mon Orchard (Photo by ST)
Not only can visitors stroll through the orchard, but they can also indulge in tasting fruits on the spot and choose to buy them as gifts for their loved ones. Moreover, following the footsteps of the orchard owner, you will be introduced to and guided on how to care for each fruit tree to achieve the most productive and high-quality harvests.
![Buying Ripe Red Fruits at the Orchard for Gifts](
Buying Ripe Red Fruits at the Orchard for Gifts (Photo by ST)
![Cai Mon Fruit Orchard - An Ideal Recreational Spot for Families](
Cai Mon Fruit Orchard - An Ideal Recreational Spot for Families (Photo by ST)
In addition to the fruitful orchards, Cai Mon is also known as the land of various ornamental flowers such as longevity flowers, large-flowered chrysanthemums, paper flowers, medicinal herbs, marigolds, and chrysanthemum tea,... Every year, the craft village of Cai Mon supplies hundreds of rare ornamental flowers and valuable ornamental plants to the domestic market. Especially, these products are exported to many countries worldwide, including South Korea, Singapore, Japan,...
![Indulge in delicious and enticing fruits right in the orchard](
Indulge in delicious and enticing fruits right in the orchard (Photo by ST)
![Follow the orchard owner to discover effective fruit tree cultivation methods](
Follow the orchard owner to discover effective fruit tree cultivation methods (Photo by ST)
When traveling to Cai Mon Fruit Orchard, visitors can also try various local specialties with a Southern flavor such as savory pancake with minced mussel or rice snail, freshwater shrimp, and more. Enjoy the melodious tunes of traditional folk music, sweet and profound. Experience a simple and rustic life by participating in production and daily activities with the local people in the riverside countryside. Bring to you memorable moments for a lively and colorful Cai Mon Fruit Orchard exploration journey.
![Visit the ornamental flower garden in Cai Mon](
Visit the ornamental flower garden in Cai Mon (Photo by ST)
![Hunt for beautiful photos at Cai Mon flower garden](
Hunt for beautiful photos at Cai Mon flower garden (Photo by ST)
Where to stay?
As most visitors to Cai Mon Fruit Orchard come for a day trip, accommodation services here are limited. However, if you wish to stay overnight, you can consider the following addresses.
![Homestay Gite Nam Hien](
Homestay Gite Nam Hien (Photo by ST)
- Nam Hien Riverside Retreat: 558/10 Binh An, Chợ Lách, Bến Tre.
- Coco Farmstay: Thanh Tân, Mỏ Cày Bắc, Bến Tre, Vietnam.
- Bảy Thời Homestead: Bình Hoà Phước, Long Hồ, Vĩnh Long, Vietnam.
- Phuongthao Homestay: An Bình, Long Hồ, Vĩnh Long, Vietnam.
- Ngoc Phuong Riverside Lodge: 118C/10 Binh Luong, An Binh, An Bình, Long Hồ, VL, Vietnam