Commencing - Unit 6 - English 8 Global Success (Pages 60, 61)


Các câu hỏi thường gặp


Mi and Phong are discussing what subject in their conversation?

Mi and Phong are discussing their upcoming visit to Binh Minh Lower Secondary School, where Mi will participate in various school activities like visiting the library.

Who is accompanying Mi on the school visit?

Mi will be accompanied by her teacher and classmates for the school visit. They are scheduled to go in the afternoon as part of their planned school trip.

When will Mi and her group visit the school?

Mi and her classmates, along with their teacher, will visit the school in the afternoon, as Mi confirms in the conversation when asked about the timing.

What kind of activities will Mi be involved in during the school visit?

Mi will participate in several activities during the school visit, including exploring the school library, computer room, and interacting with students, particularly from the Go Green club.

Nội dung từ Mytour nhằm chăm sóc khách hàng và khuyến khích du lịch, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm và không áp dụng cho mục đích khác.

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