Nhiệm vụ IELTS Writing Task 1
Task 1: The graph shows the number of visitors to four international museums between 1980 and 2015. |

The line graph delineates how many visitors visited four specific museums around the world during a 35-year course, from 1980 to 2015.
Overall, the Louvre Museum was the most visited, whereas the Shenzhen and London Science Museum received the least attention among visitors. It is also worth highlighting that the Louvre Museum and Vatican Museum enjoyed upswings in the number of visitors, while that of the London Science Museum seemed to decrease. The Shenzhen Museum, on the other hand, maintained a relatively stable number of guests during the given period.
Regarding the museums that had increasing attention, the Louvre Museum and Vatican Museum started at around 8 and 5 million visitors in 1980, respectively. After that, the latter experienced a surge to roughly 9 million in 2015. Similarly, the figure of the Louvre Museum, despite a dip in 2000, regained its upward streak to nearly 10 million in 2015.
A contrasting trend can be seen in the visitor numbers at the London Science Museum, which stabilized at 4 million in the initial 5 years but then dropped to slightly over half that figure by 2015. Meanwhile, despite a decline to around 3 million in 2000, the Shenzhen Museum maintained a steady flow of approximately 3.8 million visitors over 35 years.
- Delineate (v): miêu tả
- Upswing (n): xu hướng đi lên
- Surge (n): sự tăng nhanh
- Phân tích bài Line Graph cần xét sự tăng giảm qua các năm của từng đường. Đường miêu tả lượng khách của bảo tàng Louvre, Vatican nhìn chung là tăng, bảo tàng London Science có lượng khách giảm và bảo tàng Shenzhen có lượng khách khá ổn định.
- Nên sử dụng cấu trúc câu đa dạng và tránh lặp các từ ngữ chỉ sự tăng hoặc giảm trong bài.
Lưu ý: Bài chỉ nên ghi số liệu ở những năm có sự thay đổi đặc biệt của từng đường (như từ tăng thành giảm) và không nên ghi tất cả số liệu có trong bài.
IELTS Writing Task 2
Task 2: The increasing use of computers and mobile phones has had a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skills. Do you agree or disagree? |
There has been an extensive use of computers and mobile phones among young people in this day and age, which is claimed as having an adverse effect on their literacy skills such as reading and writing skills. I am in complete agreement with this point of view, since the constant stimulations from these devices and low-quality contents could affect these abilities.
Constant use of computers and mobile phones could deteriorate a person’s reading and comprehension skills by deflecting users’ attention. This is because these devices enable people to use multiple applications at the same time with various notifications popping up on their screen, and therefore, their brains are accustomed to multitasking and being stimulated constantly. It is not rare to encounter cases of students opening various tabs on their browsers playing music, chatting with friends and doing homework simultaneously. Hence, the act of deep reading would become harder, since it takes a long time focusing on only one task while their brains are used to a perpetual state of interruptions.
Apart from the attention span, a person’s writing skill could be affected because of the long exposure to online contents. As computers and smartphones allow easier access to the Internet, they are great tools to keep people engaged in online newspaper and social media posts. However, these contents have a tendency to be short and sensational with a frequent use of slangs and abbreviations. For instance, most of the posts published on Facebook are within two to three sentences and use words that are barely found in the dictionary. As a result, young people could find it hard to produce any sentence different from the writing style they see daily.
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that excessive computer and mobile phone usage exerts a negative impact on how young people read and write. This is because these gadgets make it more challenging for them to maintain attention and read quality writing pieces.
- Extensive (adj): rộng rãi
- Adverse effect (n): ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
- Stimulation (n): sự kích thích
- Deteriorate (v): làm tệ hơn
- Deflect (v): phân tán
- Perpetual (adj): không ngừng
- Attention span (n): khoảng thời gian tập trung
- Exposure (n): sự tiếp xúc
- Sensational (adj): gây ra sự giật gân
- Slang (n): từ lóng
- Abbreviation (n): từ viết tắt
- Excessive (adj): quá mức
Viewpoint: Agree with the perspective that using multiple computers and mobile phones negatively affects the reading and writing abilities of young people.
- Ảnh hưởng xấu đến khả năng đọc vì: các thiết bị điện tử này khiến người dùng quen với việc làm nhiều thứ một lúc → không quen với việc tập trung lâu vào một thứ để đọc và hiểu.
- Ảnh hưởng xấu đến khả năng viết vì: người dùng có thể dùng máy tính và điện thoại di động để truy cập Internet và quen với việc đọc những bài viết không được trau chuốt từ ngữ → ảnh hưởng đến cách viết của người dùng.