IELTS Speaking Phần 1: Thư giãn
![[EXCEL IN THE EXAM] Đáp án bài thi Speaking ngày 05/11/2022](,height=700/
Bạn nghĩ rằng thể thao là một cách tốt để thư giãn không?
Nếu bạn có những người bạn khác cũng thích chơi thể thao để thư giãn, hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn và bạn bè của bạn không trở nên cạnh tranh.
Bạn nghĩ rằng bạn cần thêm thời gian để thư giãn không?
Chắc chắn rồi, tôi phải làm việc và học hành gần như mỗi ngày trong tuần. Tôi cố gắng nghỉ ngơi mỗi khi có thể để giúp tôi duy trì sức khỏe suốt cả ngày.
What are some typical methods of relaxation in your country?
In our culture, drinking coffee is hugely popular, and going to cafés is the most common way to unwind during leisure time. Some people also find relaxation in shopping, while for busy young individuals, playing video games is their preferred pastime.
IELTS Speaking Phần 2
Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.

You are required to say:
- who this person is
- how you know this person
- what interesting ideas/opinions he or she has
And elucidate why you find his/her ideas captivating.
I’m going to describe a fictional character from a Korean legal drama called “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”. Her name is Woo Young Woo and she’s the protagonist of this series.
The series follows through her journey as a novice lawyer. The word “extraordinary” in the title also alludes to the fact that she is on the autism disorder spectrum and her condition makes her different from an ordinary lawyer. Her condition makes her daily interaction with people difficult. For example, she finds it hard to maintain eye contact with others. Her appearance in this series is quite unique, she has a rather small stature and usually wears a thick jacket and midi skirt. When walking, she always wears noise canceling headphones because she can’t handle loud noises.
However, she’s a brilliant lawyer who has photographic memory and encyclopaedic knowledge about the law. She often combines these abilities with her out-of-the-box thinking when she approaches a court case, which leads to ingenious solutions for the problems she encounters as a lawyer.
Particularly, one time she had to represent her best friend’s father in court, who was tricked by his own two brothers to sign a gift contract that would leave him in severe debt. However, it was hard to find evidence for trickery. Then, she remembered that the Korean law stated that if recipients of a gift assault the giver, any gift contract could be nullified and consulted her best friend’s family. Through a series of events, they were able to prove the two brothers had attacked the father and won the case.
- Protagonist (n): nhân vật chính
- Autism disorder spectrum: hội chứng bệnh rối loạn phổ tự kỷ (cụm thuật ngữ).
- Stature (n): vóc dáng
- Photographic memory: trí nhớ hình ảnh
- Encyclopedic knowledge: kiến thức khổng lồ. Note: ý là so sách lượng kiến thức nhiều như trong bách khoa toàn thư/ encyclopaedia
- Ingenious (adj): tài tình
- Debt (n): khoản nợ. Note phát âm: chữ “b” không được phát âm
- Assault (v): hành hung
→ The prompt asks candidates to portray a person with fascinating thoughts or opinions. As a descriptive task about a person, you are free to choose from family members, teachers, inventors, celebrities, or even fictional characters as discussed in the article.
Hãy mô tả một cá nhân có những ý tưởng hoặc quan điểm thú vị
- Ingenuity (n): sự tài tình , ingenious (adj): tài tình → Many teachers in school often praise her for her ingenuity.
- To think outside the box: suy nghĩ khác lạ, không theo số đông → He’s well-known as a person who always thinks outside the box
- Original (adj): liên quan đến nguồn gốc, đầu tiên. → Her ideas are always original
- Clever (adj): thông minh → He has clever solutions for difficult math problems.
Và giải thích tại sao bạn cho rằng ý tưởng của họ thú vị.

1. At what age do children typically begin to develop their own thoughts?
This is a difficult question for me, because I’m not trained in Psychology. However, I’ll give you my best guess based on my own experience. My earliest memory is from when I was three years old. I was asking my mom to buy me a toy as we walked past a toy store. I don’t remember the aftermath of that story, but my takeaway from it is that I had my own thinking since I was three. So that is my answer.
- Aftermath (n): kết cục
- Takeaway (n): kết luận, bài học rút ra
→ The question asks candidates to specify the age when children start forming their own thoughts. Respondents may draw from personal experience, as this is a challenging and unfamiliar topic, to provide insights into the difficulty of the question. Then, they should identify a specific age and explain why.
2. In your opinion, who has a greater impact on children's ideas: parents or teachers?
Hmm, interesting question. I’d say it’s likely that the parents shape their children’s ideas and world views more than the teachers. The reason is simple! Each parent usually has to raise one to two children, whereas teachers in school often have dozens of students to cater for. Naturally, parents have more time to talk to and make an impact on their children’s thinking.
- It is likely that + clause: khả năng cao là
- To shape (v): hình thành
- To cater for: quan tâm chăm sóc
→ The question requires candidates to assess the influence between parents and teachers on children's thinking. As suggested in the answer, you can express your opinion first and then provide the main reason (parents spend more time with fewer children, allowing for more conversations, while teachers have many children to care for). It is important to express clearly whether parents or teachers are answered.
3. What are the advantages when children have their own ideas or opinions?
Independence in thinking is exceedingly valuable for a child. When encouraged, it can pave the way for a lifetime of achievements. Throughout history, innovative thinkers have been highly esteemed. In recent times, opportunities for children to pursue their own ideas have also expanded. Undoubtedly, you must have observed a new generation of child entrepreneurs, inventors, and the like.
- To value (v): đánh giá cao
- To pursue (v): theo đuổi