To support children in getting acquainted with basic programming languages, developers have researched and released MSWLogo (Microsoft Windows Logo) for the Windows operating system, helping students get familiar with simple commands through exercises such as drawing shapes, games.
Tips for using MSWLogo on your computer for drawing, graphics
Free download link for MSWLogo on PC
=> Download MSWLogo for PC
Guide to download and install MSWLogo on PC
Step 1: Click the download link for MSWLogo above and select [Link File 1].
Step 2: Click directly on the MSWLogo file you just downloaded.
Step 3: In the InstallShield Wizard panel, press Next.
Step 4: Choose the location for MSWLogo installation file under the Browse.. tab => then press Next.
- If you choose not to specify a location for installation, you can press Next; the default installation file is located at 'C:Program Files (x86)SoftronicsMicrosoft Windows Logo'
Step 5: In the next panel, press
Step 6: Shortly after, MSWLogo will be automatically installed on your computer. Click on the newly appeared icon on the Desktop screen to open MSWLogo.
Basic commands when using MSWLogo
1. Turtle control commands for specified position
* X and Y are user-defined parameters. Turtle is the Triangle Icon on the screen when MSWLogo is opened.
- Hideturtle (HT): Hide the turtle
- Showturtle (ST): Show the turtle
- SETPOS x y: Move the turtle to position X,Y
- SETX x: Move the turtle horizontally, x >0 is to the right, x<0 is to the left
- SETY y : Move the turtle up if y>0, down if y<>
- Xcor: View the x-coordinate of the turtle
- Ycor: View the y-coordinate of the turtle
- POS: View the current position
- CS: Clears and resets the position
- Clean: Clears the drawing, retains the turtle's position
- HOME: Return the turtle to the initial position
- HEADING: Turtle's orientation
- SetHeading: Rotate the turtle
- TOWARDS x y: Turn the turtle's head towards coordinates x and y
- DISTANCE x y: Distance from the current position to coordinates x y
2. Movement commands
* A,X, Y and Z are user-defined parameters. Turtle is the Triangle Icon on the screen when MSWLogo is opened.
- Forward x (FD x): Move forward x steps
- Back x (BK x): Move backward x steps
- Left x (LT x): Turn the turtle to the left by x degrees
- Right x (RT x): Turn the turtle to the right by x degrees
- ARC a r: Create a circle with angle a and radius r.
- ARC2 a r: Create a circle with angle a and radius r. Move where the turtle goes.
- ELLIPSE x y: Create an ellipse with 2 parameters, width along the x-axis height along the y-axis, turtle stays still.
- ELLIPSE2 x y: Create an ellipse with 2 parameters, width along the x-axis height along the y-axis, turtle moves along the ellipse.
- ELLIPSEARC: Arc length x y z (z is the angle)
- CIRCLE r: Draw a circle with radius r turtle stands at the center.
- CIRCLE2 r: Draw a circle with radius r turtle moves along the circle, after completion the turtle lies on the circle.
3. Graphics drawing commands in MSWLogo
* N is a user-defined parameter. Turtle is the Triangle Icon on the screen when MSWLogo is opened.
- Penup (PU): Move the turtle without leaving a trace.
- Pendown (PD): Commands after this will show the trace of movement.
- SetPenSize n: Set the thickness of the drawing (n is the thickness of the drawing). This command can be performed through the Set menu → Pen Size ...
- SetPC [R B G]: Set the color for the drawing pen. Values from 0-255
- Setfloodcolor [R G B] or SETFC[R G B]: Set the background color with Fill
- FILL: Fill the background color
Here is the complete guide on how to download and install MSWLogo on your computer, as well as some commonly used MSWLogo commands. We hope they will be helpful for you in guiding your children to use MSWLogo for drawing or creating logos. Tux Paint is also a free drawing software suitable for young children on computers, interested readers can download Tux Paint HERE.