Laughing Fish sẽ xuất hiện trở lại trong BATMAN: THE THREE JOKERS


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What is The Laughing Fish scheme in Batman: The Three Jokers?

The Laughing Fish is a famous scheme where Joker uses a special chemical to turn fish into Joker-faced creatures. He plans to trademark the Joker-Fish and profit from them.

What is the connection between Batman: The Three Jokers and Batman: The Killing Joke?

Batman: The Three Jokers is inspired by Batman: The Killing Joke and focuses on Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood, exploring the psychological aftermath of their encounters with Joker.

How does Batman: The Three Jokers explain the mystery of three Jokers?

In Batman: The Three Jokers, the mystery of the three Jokers, first hinted in Justice League: Darkseid War, is finally explained, revealing different versions of the Joker.

What characters will be featured in Batman: The Three Jokers?

Batman: The Three Jokers features Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood, each with their iconic costumes, alongside the return of Alfred Pennyworth, all investigating the Joker's latest crimes.