I enjoy music as a fan
However, many of you pronounce it as
I travel with music in a van
This is a common mistake many English learners make when pronouncing. So today, the phonetics section will teach you how to differentiate between pronouncing /f/ and /v/ in English.
Lesson 7: Pronunciation of /f/ and /v/ in English
Reasons why f and v are grouped together is because they have similar pronunciations. Watch the video below by teacher David Holloway and pay attention to the smallest details, otherwise you may easily make mistakes.
1. Pronunciation of /f/
- Bước 1: Nâng môi dưới lên sao cho chạm vào hàm răng trên
- Bước 2: Kéo 2 khóe miệng sang hai bên 1 chút.
- Bước 3: Đẩy luồng hơi qua nơi tiếp xúc giữa răng trên với môi.
Do not let your lower lip disappear, only the back part of your lower lip should touch the upper teeth. If you're unsure about your pronunciation, put your hand in front of your mouth and say /f/. You'll feel a stream of air hitting your hand. Because /f/ is a voiceless consonant, there will be a strong stream of air hitting your hand. Remember to use this technique to check if your pronunciation is correct.
2. Pronunciation of the /v/ sound
- Bước 1: Nâng môi dưới lên sao cho chạm vào hàm răng trên
- Bước 2: Kéo 2 khóe miệng sang hai bên 1 chút.
- Bước 3: Đọc âm /v/
Note: Because /v/ is a voiced sound, when you put your hand in front of your mouth, you won't feel any air hitting your hand.
Now let's practice pronouncing f and v and v with some phrases!
Believe in yourself!
Value your life!
Be fealness!
You only fail when you give up!
I hope after this lesson you've learned how to pronounce f and v in English. Remember to practice regularly for the best results
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