Skills 2 - Unit 7 - Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success (Trang 79)


Các câu hỏi thường gặp


What are the main traffic problems in Mumbai mentioned in the blog?

The main traffic problems in Mumbai include severe traffic jams, narrow roads, and the failure of many road users to obey traffic rules. These factors contribute to dangerous and inefficient traffic conditions in the city.

How does the increase in population affect traffic in Mumbai?

The increase in population in Mumbai significantly worsens traffic conditions. With nearly 20 million people, there are too many vehicles on the road, leading to frequent and severe traffic jams.

What are the key causes of traffic jams in Hanoi mentioned in the blog?

In Hanoi, key causes of traffic jams include an overabundance of vehicles, narrow and bumpy roads, and the lack of adherence to traffic rules by some road users.

What solutions does the blog suggest to address traffic issues in Hanoi?

The blog suggests improving urban planning, enhancing road conditions, and raising public awareness about traffic rules to ensure safer and more efficient traffic in Hanoi.

How can students prepare for the IELTS Junior program offered by Anh Ngữ Mytour?

Students can prepare for the IELTS Junior program by joining courses that focus on four key aspects: Language, Thinking, Knowledge, and Strategy. These are designed to build confidence and prepare students for the IELTS exam.

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