Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 01/2020
Ngày 04-01-2020
Nhiệm vụ 1
The table gives information about five types of vehicles registered in Australia in 2010, 2012 and 2014. |
Bảng chi tiết số lượng xe được đăng ký tại Úc vào các năm 2010, 2012 và 2014. Tổng thể, số lượng xe của tất cả năm loại đều có xu hướng tăng ổn định, với số liệu về xe máy và xe tải nhẹ tăng mạnh nhất. Rõ ràng rằng xe du lịch là phương tiện phổ biến nhất trong số năm loại được khảo sát.
Năm 2010, có 11.800.000 xe du lịch được đăng ký tại Úc, vượt xa số lượng xe thương mại (2.300.000), xe máy (540.000), xe tải nặng (384.000) và xe tải nhẹ (106.000). Trong 4 năm tiếp theo, số lượng của cả năm loại xe đều tăng lên, với số xe máy và xe tải nhẹ có sự thay đổi mạnh mẽ nhất là 30,8% (lên 709.000) và 23,5% (lên 131.000) tương ứng. Các hạng mục khác cũng tăng lên, mặc dù không nổi bật bằng, với số liệu tăng lên mức cao nhất là 13.000.000 (+10,2%) xe du lịch, 2.700.000 (+17,4%) xe thương mại và 416.000 (+8,3%) xe tải nặng.
(167 words)
Nhiệm vụ 2
Today, TV channels provide man’s sport shows more than women’s sport shows, why? Should TV channels give equal time for women’s sport and men’s sport? |
Today, sports media have been dominated by sportsmen, leaving sportswomen with very little attention. The main reasons for this lie in the prejudice against women doing sports, and the fact that men’s sports shows are generally more interesting than women’s, and I opine that equal coverage for both sexes is essential.
One reason for women not being given enough coverage is the deep-rooted notion that women should not engage in activities deemed ‘aggressive’ or ‘violent’, as can be seen from many popular sports today. Images of female sports players competing against one another, several of which involve strong physical activities, are still considered unorthodox to many people, thereby rendering female sport shows relegated. Additionally, sports involving men are, in many cases, more engaging and fun to watch. This is because men are innately stronger, more competitive and more aggressive, which makes their shows seemingly more sensational and dramatic. Therefore, people generally prefer watching men doing sports to women, and the television industry can generate more profits from matches and contests played by men.
I believe that such negligence is intolerable in today’s egalitarian society, and therefore equal showing time for both sexes should be considered. The percentage of women’s participation in sports has been rising on an unprecedented scale in recent years, so they obviously deserve more public endorsement. Achievements of female sports figures shown on TV can encourage those with potential to embark on their sporting career. Moreover, more showing time may attract additional investments from sponsors, which in turn may positively affect wage rates of sportswomen. Men have long been every well paid in the sports industry, and now I believe it is high time women were paid the same.
In conclusion, the reasons behind male’s dominance in sports shows are the sexist views ingrained in some people’s mentality and the fact that men’s shows might be more appealing. My firm conviction is that ensuring equal showing time is essential, for it can inspire those who wish to pursue sport-related careers and improve the lives of female sports women.
Some vocabularies
- dominate: áp đảo, thống trị
- opine: có quan điểm rằng
- coverage: độ bao phủ thông tin
- deep-rooted: cắm rễ, ăn sâu
- deem: xem như là
- unorthodox: không truyền thống, đi ngược với truyền thống
- render: khiến cho
- relegated: bị đánh giá thấp, bị đặt ở vi trí thấp
- innately: về bẩm sinh, sinh ra đã
- sensational: cực kì hấp dẫn
- dramatic: kịch tính
- generate profits: thu lợi nhuận
- negligence: sự phớt lờ
- intolerable: không chấp nhận được
- egalitarian society: xã hội bình đẳng
- on an unprecedented scale: ở một quy mô chưa từng thấy
- endorsement: sự ủng hộ
- embark on: bắt đầu
- dominance: sự áp đảo
- ingrained: khắc sâu vào tâm trí
- mentality: tâm lý
- appealing: hấp dẫn
Ngày 11-01-2020
Nhiệm vụ 1
The line graph shows the percentage of New Zealand population from 1950 to 2050. |
Biểu đồ đường cho thấy dân số của New Zealand từ năm 1950 đến hiện nay và dự đoán đến năm 2050. Tổng thể, các con số dân số cho thấy rằng New Zealand có một dân số già đi với số người trong độ tuổi từ 35 đến 64 và 65+ đang có xu hướng tăng, với nhóm từ 35 đến 64 dự kiến sẽ trở thành nhóm phổ biến nhất vào năm 2050. Cũng rõ ràng rằng nhóm từ 15 đến 34 tuổi, mặc dù chiếm ưu thế từ năm 1950 đến nay, dự kiến sẽ giảm vào năm 2050.
Năm 1950, dân số của New Zealand trong độ tuổi từ 15 đến 34 chiếm 32,5%, xếp đầu trong số 4 nhóm được khảo sát. Điều này được tiếp tục bởi con số cho nhóm 0-14 (27,5%), 35-64 (15%) và 65+ (10%). Sau đó, nhóm tuổi từ 15 đến 34, mặc dù tăng đều đặn lên mức cao nhất là 45% trong nửa đầu, nhưng đã có một sự giảm nhẹ xuống còn 42,5% vào năm 1990, tiếp theo là một sụt giảm mạnh hơn đến chỉ còn 30% vào năm 2010. Trong khi đó, dân số trong độ tuổi 0-14 cũng đã có một sụt giảm ổn định và cuối cùng đạt 20% vào năm 2010, trong khi hai nhóm tuổi lớn hơn 35 đến 64 và hơn 65 đã có sự tăng, với con số lần lượt là 20% cho nhóm đầu và 15% cho nhóm sau.
Đến năm 2050, dân số của New Zealand trong độ tuổi từ 35 đến 64 và hơn 65 sẽ đạt 35% và 20% tương ứng, với nhóm đầu dự kiến sẽ chiếm ưu thế trong dân số. Điều này đối lập với dân số của hai nhóm tuổi nhỏ nhất, dự kiến sẽ giảm xuống, cuối cùng đạt dưới 30% cho nhóm 15 đến 34 và chỉ 10% cho nhóm 0 đến 14.
(268 từ)
Nhiệm vụ 2
Some people think spoken communication is more powerful than written communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Some people are of the opinion that spoken communication may have an edge over its written counterpart. From my perspective, both spoken and written forms are important in equal measure, and therefore I completely disagree with the statement.
Spoken language, on the one hand, facilitates our daily communication. Virtually all social activities that human beings engage in such as making purchases, exchanging information or chatting with friends entail people uttering words to one another, and it is not an overstatement to say lack of oral communication may render us unable to carry out any essential tasks in life.
Additionally, when combined with body language, facial expressions, and eye contact, oral communication exhibits strong emotional messages. Whilst political figures make persuasive, well-articulated speeches as an effective tool of persuasion and manipulation, women make full use of their sweet, melodious voices to talk their beloved ones into buying things they want to.
Written language, on the other hand, appears to be relegated and ignored. This is unfortunate because written communication has advantages that would make it a superior choice in some situations over oral communication. From a legal perspective, written language, in the form of legal documents, is instrumental insafeguarding the rights of the people.
Most contracts are carefully drawn up in written forms and require signatures, and therefore they are solid and hard to be breached. In contrast, so-called ‘agreements’ or ‘promises’ in oral forms, in most cases, are invalid.
Moreover, written language is a very efficient representation of complex notions, emotional expressions, and philosophies. Great minds store their ideas in books and novels, and those books have been instrumental in spreading their ideas to a much wider range of audiences. We can see written language as a way of indirectly conversing with not only one, but hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people.
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that both spoken and written communication are equally important in our society. Whereas spoken language enables us to do everyday tasks and effectively show our emotions, written language plays a pivotal role in legal matters and allows for great ideas to be spread to a lot of people.
(365 từ)
Some vocabularies:
1. have an edge over: có lợi thế hơn | 11. well-articulated: phát âm rõ ràng |
2. in equal measure: ở mức độ như nhau | 12. melodious: có giai diệu dễ chịu |
3. facilitate: đơn giản hóa, hỗ trợ | 13. talk somebody into: thuyết phục ai làm gì |
4. make a purchase: mua hàng | 14. relegate: đánh giá thấp |
5. entail: bao gồm | 15. from a legal perspective: ở góc độ pháp lý |
6. utter: dung lời nói (say) | 16. instrumental in: đóng vai trò thiết yếu |
7. overstatement: nói quá | 17. safeguard: bảo vệ |
8. facial expressions: biểu lộ trên khuôn mặt | 18. draw up: soạn thảo |
9. exhibit: thể hiện | 19. converse: giao tiếp |
10. emotional messages: thông điệp liên quan đến cảm xúc | 20. play a pivotal role: đóng vai trò quan trọng |
Ngày 16-01-2020
Nhiệm vụ 1
The chart below gives information about the age of women in Australia when they give birth to their first child in 1966, 1986 and 2006 |
Biểu đồ cột chi tiết phần trăm phụ nữ Australia sinh con lần đầu vào năm 1966, 1986 và 2006, được phân loại theo sáu nhóm tuổi khác nhau. Tổng thể, rõ ràng trong giai đoạn cho trước, phụ nữ Australia có xu hướng sinh con lần đầu trong giai đoạn lớn tuổi, với phần trăm phụ nữ thuộc 4 nhóm tuổi cao nhất có xu hướng tăng, khác với hai nhóm tuổi trẻ hơn có xu hướng ngược lại.
In 1966, khoảng 65% phụ nữ trong độ tuổi từ 20 đến 24 sinh con lần đầu tiên, đây là phạm vi tuổi được ưa chuộng nhất. Tỷ lệ của những phụ nữ thuộc các nhóm tuổi còn lại thấp hơn rõ rệt, chỉ có 40% (25-30), 37% (dưới 19), 15% (30-34), 5% (30-39) và một tỷ lệ không đáng kể là 2% (40+).
Trong 40 năm tiếp theo, mẫu số đã thay đổi khi có ít phụ nữ trẻ quyết định sinh con, với tỷ lệ cho nhóm dưới 19 tuổi giảm mạnh xuống còn 10%, và nhóm từ 25 đến 30 cũng đi theo sau, tỷ lệ giảm xuống 35%.
Ngược lại, tỷ lệ sinh con lần đầu của phụ nữ trong độ tuổi từ 25 đến 30 và từ 30 đến 34 đã tăng lên, lần lượt là 45% và 50%. Một xu hướng tăng trưởng đáng kể hơn nữa được thể hiện ở nhóm từ 30 đến 34 và từ 34 đến 39 khi các con số của họ tăng lên với một độ dốc mũi tên, với nhóm đầu tiên tăng lên 50% và nhóm thứ hai lên 30%.
Cuối cùng, không nhiều phụ nữ muốn sinh con ở tuổi 40 tuổi trở lên, khi tỷ lệ ban đầu ổn định ở mức 2% vào năm 1986 và tăng nhẹ lên 3% vào năm 2006.
(267 từ)
Nhiệm vụ 2
Nowadays it is not only large companies that can make films. Digital technology enables anyone to produce films. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? |
Unlike many years ago when cinematography is exclusive to large companies, films made by individuals using their own devices have enjoyed increasing popularity in recent years. I am of the opinion that this is more likely to have positive consequences.
The fact that filmmaking is increasingly more accessible has helped add variety to cinematography. Movies made by big companies, on the one hand, are restricted to a handful of themes and backgrounds, several of which are even heavily censored. On the other hand, films made by potential filmmakers, albeit amateur, transcend barriers of ethnicities and backgrounds.
Around 400-500 movies are made by Hollywood every year, many of which are Americentric and revolve around superheroes, romance, thrillers and comedies. Meanwhile, with a phone sitting in our pockets and film editing applications at our disposal, that number can add up to millions, with more themes covered and a great array of settings shown.
Additionally, easy access to filming technology helps discover hidden talented people. Thanks to video-sharing platforms such as Youtube or Facebook, several unknown people have attained resounding success just by one or two short films.
In Vietnam, for example, a lot of amateur movie-making teams have become overnight sensations by posting short comedies and web dramas onto their sites. Although those films are low-budget, they are well-received by the general public, and many aspiring actors, actresses, and directors are discovered and eventually shot to fame.
The Sundance Film Festival, once a low-profile venue for small-budget creators, has become a media extravaganza for new talents now that more and more independent movie creators are able to make films using their own devices.
Inconclusion, my firm conviction is that the widespread popularity of amateur films thanks to the advent of technology is a welcome trend, for it adds spices to the film industry and promotes aspiring individuals wishing to pursue professional film careers.
Some vocabularies
1. exclusive: độc quyền | 11. attain: đạt được |
2. enjoy increasing popularity: càng ngày càng phổ biến | 12. resounding success: thành công vang dội |
3. cinematography: điện ảnh | 13. overnight sensation: từ dùng để miêu tả nhữngngười nổi tiếng chỉ trong một thời gian ngắn |
4. a handful of: một lượng ít | 14. well-received: được đón nhận tốt |
5. censor: kiểm duyệt | 15. aspiring: có mong muốn |
6. transcend: vượt qua | 16. shot to fame: trở nên nổi tiếng |
7. barrier: rào cản | 17. low-profile: ít có tiếng |
8. Americentric: quá nghiêng về văn hóa Mỹ | 18. media extravaganza: sự kiện truyền thông cực kì nổi tiếng |
9. revolve around: xoay quanh | 19. the advent of: sự ra đời của |
10. an array of: một sự đa dạng | |
Ngày 18-01-2020
Nhiệm vụ 1
The diagram below shows how ethanol fuel is produced from corn |
The diagram illustrates the process of ethanol production from corn. Overall, it is clear that producing ethanol from maize involves several physical and biological steps conducted under varying conditions, resulting in the production of ethanol that is stored and distributed to gas stations.
The process begins with the harvesting of corn, which is then stored in warehouses before being ground using a turbine-driven mill. The ground corn is then cooked with an unspecified amount of water in a cylindrical device within a span of 4 hours. Following this, it undergoes fermentation in another set of cylinders.
The mixture is left to ferment for 48 hours and then liquefied, with solid by-products being produced. The resulting liquid, now ethanol, undergoes further purification under laboratory conditions for an additional 5 hours before being stored in large containers and transported to gas stations.
Nhiệm vụ 2
Some people think that mental strength is the most important factor for success in sports. However, some others believe that it is more important to have strong and fit people. Discuss both views and give your opinions. |
Some people are of the opinion that physical fitness is the key to success in sports. However, some others are opposed to this idea, claiming that mental toughness is of uttermost importance. From my perspective, both qualities are of great significance in equal measure, and I will further elaborate in this essay.
Physical strength has been commonly regarded as an important element in sports. Most sportspeople are required to be physically fit so that they are able to perform physically challenging actions commonly found in the majority of sports. Footballers, for example, spend on average 90 minutes of relentless physical manoeuvres, and this certainly requires brute strength and stamina. In some sports that involve building muscles such as weightlifting, fitness is instrumental in the overall success of a weightlifter, for more weights lifted are directly proportionate to how well he or she performs in a weightlifting competition.
A strong mentality, on the other hand, is also very essential for any professionals to be successful. As a matter of fact, virtually all sports entail intense competitions and pressure, and only strong-willed players who are able to handle those problems well attain great success. Elite athletes such as Roger Federer or Cristiano Ronaldo, for example, are perfect examples of players who remain calm and confident regardless of situations. Additionally, mentalprowess has been proven to be a game-changing factor in deciding the outcome of a match. Even seeded players can bitterly lose to underdogs if stressed or pressured.
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that mental toughness is just as important as physical fitness in determining sporting success. In the future, with training integrating both physical and mental health becoming increasingly available, the sporting industry will be able to welcome generations of successful sports players who are physically fit and mentally prepared.
(300 từ)
Some vocabularies:
1. physical fitness: sự khỏe mạnh về mặt thể chất | 10. proportionate to: tỉ lệ thuận |
2. mental toughness: sự dẻo dai về mặt tâm lý | 11. entail: bao gồm, chứa đựng |
3. uttermost importance: cực kì quan trọng; quan trọng hàng đầu | 12. strong-willed: có ý chí tốt |
4. in equal measure: quan trọng như nhau | 13. elite athletes: vận động viên xuất sắc |
5. sportspeople: người chơi thể thao | 14. mental prowess: khả năng xuất chúng về mặt tinh thần |
6. physically fit: có thể chất tốt | 15. game-changing: quan trọng, có khả năng quyết định kết quả |
7. physical manoeuver: sự vận động thể chất | 16. seeded player: vận động viên hạt giống |
8. brute strength and stamina: sức mạnh và sức chịu đựng khủng khiếp | 17. underdog: người yếu thế hơn |
9. instrumental in: cực kì quan trọng và cần thiết trong việc gì đó | 18. integrate: tích hợp |
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 02/2020
Ngày 01-02-2020
Nhiệm vụ 1
The charts below show the percentage of people working in different sectors in town A and town B in 1960, 2010. |
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of workforce employed in three different sectors across Town A and Town B in 1960 and 2010. Overall, manufacturing jobs were less popular in both towns over the given period, while the service sector exhibited an opposite trend, and sales positions saw a decline in Town A but not in Town B. By 2020, the service sector surpassed manufacturing as the dominant job sector in Town A, whereas manufacturing, despite a decrease, remained predominant in Town B.
In both towns, the service sector experienced significant growth, more than doubling from 29% to 64% in Town A and increasing from 10% to 25% in Town B. Conversely, manufacturing saw its percentage decrease by half from 41% to 20% in Town A and also declined in Town B, though less steeply, to 53%, still comprising the majority of jobs.
Meanwhile, sales-related jobs halved from 30% to 16% in Town A. In contrast, in Town B, there was a slight increase from 20% to 22%.
Nhiệm vụ 2
People are having more and more sugar-based drinks. What are the reasons? What are the solutions to make people drink less. |
Modern conditions such as diabetes and related health problems are probably associated with the upward trend towards consuming sugary drinks on a daily basis. Two of the main causes will thus be explored, and light will be shone on one possibly effective measure to deal with this consumption.
Appetite seems to be the most important factor contributing to this increasing tendency. It has been customary for decades for sugar-based beverages to be an indispensable part of modern life, ranging from parties and ceremonies to even small daily snacks. It is now not unusual to see soft drinks nearly everywhere on earth.
Another essential causal factor is hospitality as a social etiquette. Many people are not really interested in sweet drinks, but when they are welcomed with such drinks, they find it hard to reject them. Simply saying no might hurt the host.
For these reasons, the optimal solution is to work towards changing this drinking habit. Although challenging, we must devise a strategy to do so. Abruptly stopping this practice would be impractical, so advocating for reducing sugar levels in drinks and gradually replacing them with sugar-free options is a feasible approach.
In conclusion, whether people are fond of drinking sugary beverages or not, everyone needs to be aware of the danger of diabetes and related problems. It is time they halted and adopted a heathier habit. Although we are still not scientically sure of what causes diabetes, it is safer and wiser not to consume too much sugar.
Vocab highlights:
- modern conditions: những căn bệnh hiện đại
- sugary drinks / sugar-based beverages: những thức uống có đường
- Appetite seems to be the most important factor contributing to this increasing tendency: sự ăn ngon miệng có lẽ là nhân tố quan trọng nhất góp phần lý giải cho xu thế gia tăng này
- It is now not unusual to see soft drinks nearly everywhere on earth: giờ không còn ai lạ lẫm gì khi thấy nước ngọt (bày bán) ở gần như tất cả mọi ngóc ngách trên trái đất
- Simply saying no might hurt the host: đơn giản là từ chối có thể làm phật lòng gia chủ
- are still not scientifically sure of what causes diabetes: vẫn chưa biết chắc về mặt khoa học là cái gì gây ra bệnh tiểu đường.
Ngày 08-02-2020
Nhiệm vụ 1
The table below gives information about the values of exports of kiwi fruit from New Zealand to five countries between 2010 and 2012. |
The provided table illustrates the earnings from New Zealand's export of kiwifruit to five different countries. The units are in NZ$ and the data covers three consecutive years: 2010, 2011, and 2012.
In general, New Zealand generated the highest revenues from exporting kiwifruit to Japan. It is also evident that export earnings from Japan, China, Mexico, and Russia saw increases, with Russia experiencing the most significant growth, while exports to Saudi Arabia declined.
In 2010, revenues from kiwifruit exports to Japan led the way, surpassing China's exports by a considerable margin (74.9 million), and far exceeding Mexico (1.2 million), Russia (968,000), and Saudi Arabia (290,000). Subsequently, export revenues rose in most countries, reaching 287,400,000 for Japan, 84,800,000 for China, 2,400,000 for Mexico, and 1,585,000 for Russia.
By 2012, the figures for Japan, China, Mexico, and Russia had accumulated to 325,300,000, 94,000,000, 3,300,000, and 2,404,000 respectively. However, export revenues to Russia were the only ones to decline, dropping to just 82,000,000 in 2012.
Nhiệm vụ 2
The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society. Do you think the advantages outweigh the advantages? |
A. Sample
Although not new in modern life, networking has attracted more and more public attention, especially with the advent of online social networking channels. Debatable as it is, the positive aspect of social media use as a way to supersede face-to-face communication is somewhat superior to its downside.
Given the fact that the current world is facing an increasing number of issues, it is sensible to believe in the dark side. Of the commonly-heard problems, the most serious of them is the fear that the human species, to whom emotions play a crucial role, might become robots , or emotionless machines. Sitting in front of the computer, or holding hand-held phones, for hours surfing the internet and reading Facebook news on a daily basis, users will sooner or later become more and more passive, ending up being couch potatoes, and are likely to forget the usefulness of in-person interaction.
However, we need to be optimistic as social media are not that bad. They will not turn us into machines that have no emotions. Provided that we live a healthy lifestyle with daily workouts, social networking sites, as the term suggests, will bring us closer and closer to one another simply because we are now living in a global village. Thousands of merits, including making friends with people from abroad, will result.
All in all, the negatives of using social networks instead of traditional meeting and talking appear to be overtaken by the positives. Even conservative people, mostly the old, find it hard to reject the power of social media. It is impossible to imagine how the human species of Homo sapiens has reached this far without social networking in the strictest sense of the term.
B. Vocab highlights
- (online) social networking channels = social media = social networking sites: mạng xã hội
- to supersede face-to-face communication: để thay thế sự giao tiếp trực diện
- the fear that the human species might become robots: nỗi sợ là loài người có thể trở thành những cái máy vô hồn
- sooner or later: không sớm thì muộn
- live a healthy lifestyle with daily workouts: sống (theo) một lối sống lành mạnh có tập thể dục hàng ngày
- in the strictest sense of the term: theo nghĩa sát nhất của thuật ngữ này
C. Structure highlights
Cấu trúc nén
Although (it is) not new in modern life, networking has… |
Although not a new phenomenon in modern life, connectivity has...
Cấu trúc đảo ngữ đặc biệt
Given the fact that…= If the fact that… is given, … |
When considering...
Ngày 13-02-2020
Nhiệm vụ 1
The bar chart below shows the amount of money invested in each categories from five organizations. |
The bar chart provides a breakdown of investments made by five distinct organizations across four categories: Machinery, Building, Staff Training, and Research. The units are measured in billion euros.
In general, Organisation B emerged as the leading investor across all sectors, with a significant emphasis on Building, while Organisations A and C made comparatively fewer investments. Organisation D and E, however, showed the least remarkable spending.
Organisation B's investment in Machinery amounted to approximately 1.3 billion Euros, marking the highest among the five organizations in this category, though it was the lowest compared to the other sectors. Organisation A invested notably less with only 0.8 billion Euros, followed closely by Organisation C (0.7 billion). Organisations D and E each allocated only 0.4 billion Euros. As for Building, Organisation B set a record high of 1.7 billion Euros, whereas the remaining organizations allocated approximately 0.5 billion Euros for this sector.
Regarding Staff Training and Research, Organisation B continued to lead with investments of 1.5 billion and 1.6 billion Euros respectively. Organisation A's expenditures were significantly lower, with 1 billion for Staff Training and 0.8 billion for Research. Organisation D and E again allocated the smallest budgets, ranging between 0.3 billion and 0.45 billion Euros.
(229 words)
Task 2
Some people believe that reading stories from a book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Reading story books has recently been claimed to be more beneficial for children than watching television or playing e-games on the computer. For kids who are book addicts, this is absolutely true since nothing can be compared with enjoying a story.
To begin with, watching television pales in comparison to reading storybooks. The former encourages passive observation, whereas the latter promotes active engagement. While some argue for their similarity in requiring visual attention, they overlook the crucial aspect that readers can pause on a page and deeply reflect, especially with complex narratives like mysteries.
Second of all, reading story books is also superior to playing computer games. Admittedly, being engaged in game playing on the computer is undeniably great fun as a wonderful stress reliever, but games are games only. However, story book reading is associated with a multitude of educational benefits, one of which is the cultivation of emotions. In this current world, fewer and fewer people have any interest in enjoying a short story or a novel, so they need to be immersed in this environment at an early age. The earlier the better. If children laugh or cry with characters in a story, they will gradually develop feelings of loving other human beings in real life.
In conclusion, my perspective concerning the great joy gained from reading story books has been clarified. This actually might not be highly appreciated by children with other interests. In this technological world, it is not surprising that the majority of kids prefer to be engaged elsewhere. Each to his own.
(294 words)
A. Vocab highlights
- For kids who are book addicts: Đối với trẻ thuộc loại mê đọc sách;
- nothing can be compared with enjoying a story: Không gì có thể sánh với việc thưởng thức một truyện kể;
- … is undeniably great fun as a wonderful stress reliever: Đương nhiên là rất vui vì là một phương thức giảm căng thẳng tuyệt vời;
- the cultivation of emotions: Việc trao dồi / vun đắp (khía cạnh) xúc xảm;
- they need to be immersed in this environment at an early age: Họ cần phải được tắm mình trong một môi trường như thế ngay từ thưở nhỏ;
- Each to his own: Mỗi người một vẻ;
B. Structure highlights
Cấu trúc passive đặc biệt
Reading story books has recently been claimed to be more beneficial for children than… = It has recently been claimed that reading story books is more beneficial for children than… Gần đây có ý kiến cho rằng đọc sách truyện là có lợi hơn cho trẻ hơn là… |
Cấu trúc đảo ngữ
Reasonable as it is = Although it is so reasonable Tuy nghe rất có lý |
Ngày 22-02-2020
Task 1
The map below shows the changes that have taken place at the waterfront area of a town called Darwin between 2009 and 2014. |
The diagrams illustrate the transformation of Darwin town from 2009 to 2014. Initially, the maps indicate a complete removal of the industrial sector to make space for residential, recreational, and educational facilities. Additionally, the town's infrastructure underwent improvements with the addition of a harbor and expanded footpaths.
In 2009, there was a significant industrial area located on the expansive grassland stretching from the town center to its southern part. Over the subsequent five years, this industrial zone was entirely replaced by vegetation.
To the southeast of the town, a new harbor was constructed, accompanied by an additional footpath connecting it to the main road in the western part of the town. This new pathway further divided the southern area into two distinct zones. The upper zone saw the introduction of new residential buildings and a university.
Regarding the area surrounded by the footpaths, the previous industrial zone was transformed into a swimming pool. The school and convention center nearby, as well as the main northern road, remained unchanged. The two beachside swimming pools also retained their positions throughout the period.
(211 words)
Task 2
Online shopping is increasing dramatically. How could this trend affect our environment and the kinks of jobs required? |
One of the current phenomena is online shopping is on the rise. This tendency actually benefits the environment and leads up to changes in various jobs related to this mode of shopping.
As far as environmental issues are concerned, this trend might be said to harm the environment since an increase in the number of online shoppers is associated with a rise in the amount of product consumption, including many things purchased even before people can figure out what these items should be used for. It appears, therefore, to be a waste of resources.
The truth is internet shopping entails tons of benefits, one of which is saving time. In this modern society where time is gold, saving time is so significant. Time saved could be spent on working and boosting productivity, generating more and more resources. That is not to mention the merit of rescuing thousands of trees which may be cut down to make paper.
In terms of jobs in this new era, many occupations related to computers and internet use as well as online sales, be it for professional or non-professional purposes, have gained popularity. These range from IT engineers and web designers through advertisers and market researchers to cleaners and deliverers. In particular, those who work in delivery have now felt luckier because of the change from eating out to staying home or at the workplace and ordering a meal online.
Summarizing, when it comes to shopping on the internet, the impact is mainly positive, and it leads to numerous changes in the labor market, including the traditional job of deliverers. It is hard to predict what will be the next groundbreaking transformation in the foreseeable future, but online shopping still shocks many people in developing countries because of the convenience in paying methods.
A. Vocab highlights
- … is on the rise ( = … is increasing)
... is showing an increasing trend
- an increase in the number of online shoppers is associated with a rise in the amount of product consumption
The increasing number of online shoppers is closely linked to the rising consumption of goods
- In this modern society where time is gold, saving time is so significant
In today's society where time is precious, saving time is extremely important
- working and boosting productivity
Working & enhancing productivity
- That is not to mention…
That's not to mention...
- Those who work in delivery…
Those involved in delivery services
- It is hard to predict what will be the next groundbreaking transformation in the foreseeable future
It's hard to predict what will mark the next seismic shift in the near future
B. Structure highlights
- Cấu trúc relative clause dạng rút gọn
… including many things (which are) purchased even before people can figure out what these items should be used for … kể cả nhiều thứ được mua thậm chí trước khi người ta nghiệm ra là sẽ dùng những món hàng này vào việc gì |
- Cấu trúc chêm xen adverb vào vị trí giữa câu (thay vì ở đầu câu như bình thường)
It appears, therefore, to be a waste of resources Do đó, đó hình như là sự lãng phí nguồn lực |
Gợi ý: Hướng dẫn cách viết dạng Map Writing Task 1
IELTS Writing Test March 2020
March 5, 2020
Task 1
The graph below shows the percentage of people in different age groups in one city who attended music concert between 2010 and 2015. |
The provided line graph illustrates the attendance rates at music concerts in an unspecified country from 2010 to 2015, categorized by five different age groups.
Initially, it is evident from the graph that age significantly influences the decline in concert attendance rates. The highest attendance was observed among the youngest group (16-24 years). The figures for the age groups 25-44, 45-54, and 55-64 showed varying degrees of increase and decrease throughout the period, with rankings of second, third, and fourth respectively. The oldest age group (70+) consistently attended fewer concerts compared to the others.
In 2010, more than half of the individuals aged 45-54 attended music concerts. The participation rate was lower for those aged 16-24 (40%), as well as for the 25-44 age group. Only 25% of individuals aged 55-64 attended concerts, while the proportion was even lower for those aged 75 and older (10%).
Over the following 5 years, the participation rate among individuals aged 16-24 experienced steady growth, reaching 70% by 2015. Similarly, despite a temporary decline of around 10%, the participation rate for the 25-44 age group rebounded and ultimately reached 52% by 2015. A similar pattern is evident for the 55-64 age group, which experienced a dip to 30% in 2012 before recovering to nearly 50% by 2015.
Participants in the last two age brackets, namely 55-64 and 75+, were fewer in number. The 55-64 age group remained stable for 3 years before dropping to 23% in 2015, while the 75+ group saw an increase to 20% in 2011, but then halved to only 10% in 2013 before rising again to approximately 21% by 2015.
Task 2
Some people argue job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe a permanent job is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. |
1. Sample essay
Whether it is advisable to choose a satisfying job or to pursue a secured one has always been an issue of great controversy for years now. As a city-dweller, I am more supportive of the first option.
At first glance, it sounds sensible to believe in the benefits of finding a permanent job. One of the major reasons is professional seniority is almost always a factor that plays a crucial role in any occupation. The longer people work in a certain environment, the more practical experience they can gain and the easier it is for them earn a decent salary. This has been common sense for decades now.
However, it is feeling professionally satisfied that is much more significant in choosing what to do for a living. Feeling pleased with what they do, people will be frequently inspired to perform well. That results from the fact that they can easily develop their sense of creativity in working on any project. In this fast-changing modern world, it is nearly impossible to find any long-term job that remains stable. Instead of making an effort to seek such an occupation, which does not exist in today’s world, we had better prioritize job satisfaction rather than job security.
Considering all aspects, the debate over which perspective is more reasonable remains highly contentious. While both viewpoints are well-founded, I personally favor the argument that emphasizes professional satisfaction. If employees are content in their roles, they would be willing to make sacrifices, even at the cost of their lives.
2. Vocab highlights
- a city-dweller: Một thị dân / người sống ở thành thị
- professional seniority: Thâm niên công tác
- a decent salary: Lương bổng đủ sống
- common sense: Lương thức
- feeling professionally satisfied: Cảm thấy hài lòng trong công việc đang làm
- sense of creativity: Óc sáng tạo
3. Structure highlights
- Cấu trúc noun clause sử dụng whether… or… làm chủ ngữ: Whether it is advisable to choose a satisfying job or to pursue a secured one has always been an issue of great controversy for years now (Liệu chúng ta có nên chọn nghề khiến ta hài lòng hay theo đuổi nghề ổn định vốn là một vấn đề gây tranh cãi kịch liệt nhiều năm qua).
- Cấu trúc v-ing phrase rút gọn từ adverb clause: Feeling pleased with what they do, people will be frequently inspired to perform well (Cảm thấy hài lòng với những gì họ làm, người ta sẽ thường xuyên có cảm hứng để làm tốt công việc).
Ngày 07-03-2020
Task 1
The bar chart shows the percentage of young people in higher education in 2000, 2005 and 2010. |
The bar chart illustrates the rates of young individuals attending university education in five unspecified countries during the years 2000, 2005, and 2010. Upon initial inspection of the chart, it is evident that higher education enrollment in Countries A, C, and D exhibited upward trends over the specified period, with Countries A and D experiencing the most rapid growth. Conversely, Country B consistently had the lowest university attendance rates, which remained relatively stagnant throughout the given years.
In 2000, approximately 37% of young people were enrolled in university, with a notable increase to 48% by 2005, and further to 57% by 2010. A similar pattern is observed for Country D, where tertiary education rates rose from 45% in 2000 to 50% in 2005, and then to 60% by 2010. Country C also saw an increase in university enrollment, climbing from 43% in 2000 to 48% in 2005, and remaining stable at this level through 2010. In contrast to the other three countries, Country B began at 40% university enrollment in 2000, experienced a slight decline to 39% in 2005, and despite recovering to 40% in 2010, continued to have the lowest rates of higher education attendance among the nations.
Task 2
Some people think news has no connection to people’s lives. So then it is a waste of time to read the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
1. Sample essay
It is claimed that spending time on reading or watching news is absolutely wasteful. Truth be told, I find it hard to agree because having access to daily news is a must to be well informed about what is going on in the world and to be equipped with specialized knowledge for conducting further scientific research.
For the general public, it is advisable to be aware of the current state of affairs. This is certainly directly related to individual life. A typical example for this close relationship is what people should do in case of war. More specifically, after reading news about the outbreak of a war near them, people may immediately prepare food for fear of the possibility of food shortages.
Those who work as scientists are always in need of updated information from news reports about various fields. These range from education to economics and healthcare. For instance, news about the current coronavirus has pushed researchers all over the world to compete 24/7 in inventing a vaccine against it. As a result, it can be argued that news is closely related to the outside world whether common people or experts in the scientific world are taken into consideration.
Summarizing, when it comes to the belief that reading news in newspapers or watching news on television programs is a total waste of time, I am not convinced at all. This is merely because all people need news no matter what job they are engaged in. Depending on their occupation, people might obtain different useful pieces of information when they are exposed to one and the same news item.
2. Vocab highlights
- X is a waste of time = X is wasteful: X là lãng phí thời gian
- having access to daily news is a must: Tiếp cận tin tức hàng ngày là điều phải làm
- the general public: Công chúng / đại chúng
- the current state of affairs: Sự tình hiện đương
- the outbreak of a war: Sự nổ ra của 1 cuộc chiến
- for fear of the possibility of food shortages: Vì sợ lương thực có khả năng bị khan hiếm
- those who work as scientists: Những ai làm công tác khoa học
- news reports = news items: Những mẩu tin
- news is closely related to the outside world: Tin tức gắn liền mật thiết với thế giới bên ngoài
- when they are exposed to one and the same news item: Khi họ được tiếp cận cùng 1 mẩu tin
3. Structure highlights
- Cấu trúc passive: It is claimed/believed/viewed/said that… Có ý kiến cho rằng
Cấu trúc whether… or…: whether common people or experts in the scientific world are taken into consideration… cho dù là xét đến người bình thường hay nhà khoa học.
Ngày 21-03-2020
Task 1
The diagram below shows how to recycle organic waste to produce fertiliser (compost). Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
1. Sample essay
The diagram provides a breakdown of how compost is made. Overall, the making of compost involves organic wastes of different kinds undergoing various biological and chemical processes in an aerated container.
A 2-cubic-meter plastic container with four holes – two at each side – is used to contain the compost. The four holes act as vents, allowing the circulation of air in and out of the container. Next, waste is added to the container in layers of 15 centimeters, with food at the bottom, grass in the middle and newspaper on top. Nitrogen and hot water are subsequently added to the mixture.
At the fourth stage of the process, the mouth of the plastic container is sealed shut by the use of a cover. The moistened mixture is thereafter left in the container for 6 months, during which time a decomposition process gradually takes place. During the process, vapour is released through the four vents. After 6 months, the organic wastes are successfully converted into compost, and this sort of fertiliser is ultimately used in gardening.
2. Vocab highlights
- areate (v) cho phép không khí lưu thông
- vent (n) lỗ thông hơi
- circulation (n) sự lưu thông
- subsequently (adv) sau đó
- seal (v) niêm phong
- moistened (adj) được làm ẩm
- decomposition (n) sự phân hủy
- vapour (n) hơi nước
- convertinto (v) biến đổi thành
- ultimately (adv) cuối cùng thì
Task 2
Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? |
1. Sample response
When it comes to leisure activities, attending a live show has recently been claimed to be something worth doing because it is more exciting than watching it on TV. This is a statement that I find it hard to totally agree with.
Truth be told, it is certainly true that watching an art display or a sports performance on television is quite enjoyable to some extent. One of the reasons is one can lie down on a sofa without getting decently dressed while watching them. This is normally something impossible to do in public as we are supposed to behave well in this modern life of civilization.
However, watching it live, whether it is an arts event or a sports competition, is truly fascinating in a way that is indescribable. More specifically, a play, a concert, or a sports contest would be much more interesting if witnessed with our own eyes and/or listened to with our own ears based on a real-time basis. In other words, this is a matter of feelings which depend on whether that particular event is actually happening. If it is, then it will boost levels of fascination twofold or even threefold.
To conclude, when comparing the appeal of leisure activities, I personally find attending live events such as those related to art or sports far more captivating than watching them on television. The authenticity of the experience is paramount, regardless of technological advancements.
2. Vocab highlights
- attending a live show has recently been claimed to be something worth doing: Gần đây có ý kiến cho rằng đến dự 1 chương trình biểu diễn trực tiếp là xứng đáng
- Truth be told: Thành thật mà nói
- One can lie down on a sofa without getting decently dressed: Người ta có thể nằm dài trên 1 chiếc trường kỷ, không cần phải diện trang phục tươm tất
- We are supposed to behave well in this modern life of civilization: Chúng ta nên có hành vi đúng mực trong cuộc sống văn minh hiện nay
- Watching it live is truly fascinating in a way that is indescribable: Xem trực tiếp là hấp dẫn không thể tả
- based on a real-time basis: Trên cơ sở giờ thực
- it will boost levels of fascination twofold: Nó sẽ nâng mức thú vị lên gấp đôi
3. Structure highlights
- Cấu trúc trạng ngữ chỉ thể cách
… is genuinely captivating in a manner that defies description (= is truly captivating beyond words): … là thật sự hấp dẫn đến mức không thể diễn tả được.
- Cấu trúc no matter how
… regardless of how advanced ( = no matter how advanced) technology becomes: … cho dù công nghệ có tiến bộ đến đâu đi nữa.
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 04/2020
Ngày 25-04-2020
Task 1
The chart below shows the percentage of people of different age groups who went to cinema once a month or more in one European country from 2000 to 2011. |
The line graph outlines the percentages of individuals attending cinemas once or more per month in an unspecified European country during the 2000-2011 period. Generally, attendance rates across all age groups showed an upward trend, despite occasional fluctuations. Notably, those aged 15 to 25 consistently constituted the largest segment of moviegoers, while the 35+ age group exhibited the most stable growth.
In 2000, approximately 15% of individuals aged 15 to 24 attended cinemas at least once a month, a figure that steadily climbed to about 45% by 2006. During the same period, similar trends were observed among those aged 25 to 35 and 35+, with the former increasing from 5% in 2000 to 15% in 2006, and the latter rising from near zero in 2000 to 5% in 2006. Movie attendance among those aged 25 to 35 also fluctuated, reaching 10% in 2000 and peaking at 20% in 2006.
From 2006 onward, the percentage of individuals aged 15 to 24 fluctuated for two years before resuming its upward trajectory, culminating in 52% by 2008. Similarly, the 7 to 14 and 25 to 35 age groups experienced significant fluctuations before stabilizing at 30% in 2008. Meanwhile, cinema attendance among the 35+ age group steadily increased throughout the period, reaching approximately 14% by 2008.
Task 2
Environmental protection is the responsibility of politicians, not individuals as individuals can do too little. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
1. Sample
Considering the insignificant contribution of individual efforts, it is argued that policy-makers should be in charge of the mission of environmental protection. Such a perspective is totally convincing as politicians are much more influential and are able to raise much more substantial funds.
Obviously, those who are VIP’s in politics are normally professionally trained in public speaking, so they are experts at persuading the general public when it comes to delivering speeches on the environment. In other words, with their political background, they are able to influence thousands of people at a time.
Their powerful speeches, together with their charisma and their sense of humour, are likely to lead to significant changes in the community’s awareness. Listening to them, most people will end up becoming more aware of the importance of protecting the environment.On that basis, politicians would find it easier to perform fund-raising activities for the purpose of keeping the earth green and clean.
For many initiatives aimed at improving the world led by celebrities, thousands of their supporters would willingly contribute substantial sums, ranging from thousands to millions of dollars. Such financial contributions are sufficient to fund specific environmental projects.
All things considered, it is true that politicians should be those who are responsible for defending the natural habitat of our mother earth against destruction. This consideration is in view of the advantage policy-makers have over ordinary people in terms of the former’s influence through words and their ability to attract financial investments.
2. Vocab highlights
- The insignificant contribution of individual efforts: Đóng góp không đáng kể của những nỗ lực cá nhân
- the mission of environmental protection: Sứ mệnh bảo vệ môi trường
- to raise much more substantial funds: Huy động vốn quy mô lớn hơn
- to be normally professionally trained in public speaking: Được đào tạo chuyên nghiệp về kỹ năng nói trước công chúng
- fund-raising activities: Những hoạt động huy động vốn
- their ability to attract financial investments: Kỹ năng của họ trong việc thu hút đầu tư tài chính
3. Structure highlights
- Cấu trúc reduced relative clause
For most projects aiming at ( = which aim at) creating a better world initiated by ( = which are initiated by) such celebrities, …Đối với phần lớn dự án nhằm vào việc tạo ra một thế giới tốt đẹp hơn do những nhân vật nổi tiếng như thế khởi xướng, …
- Cấu trúc full relative clause
Politicians should be those who are responsible for defending the natural habitat of our mother earth against destruction: Các chính trị gia nên là những người chịu trách nhiệm bảo vệ môi trường sống của trái đất trước nạn hủy diệt.
Ngày 30-04-2020
Task 1
The graph gives information about coffee production in 4 different countries from 1990 to 2010. |
The bar chart illustrates changes in coffee production across four countries over the 20-year period from 1990 to 2010. Overall, except for Colombia, coffee production increased in all other nations, with Brazil showing the most rapid growth. Brazil consistently held the top position in coffee production, and the gap between Brazil and other countries widened over time.
In 1990, Brazil produced approximately 0.7 million tonnes of coffee, which surged to 1 million tonnes by 1995, sharply increased to 1.5 million tonnes by 2000, and reached a peak of 1.9 million tonnes by the end of the period, the highest among all countries and years.
Coffee production in Indonesia and Vietnam, although starting from lower bases, followed similar trends. Indonesia increased from 0.2 million tonnes in 1990 to 0.4 million tonnes in 2010, while Vietnam rose from a mere 0.1 million tonnes in 1990 to 0.3 million tonnes in 2010.
Conversely, Colombia witnessed a decline in coffee production. Starting at 0.6 million tonnes in 1990, Colombia experienced a gradual decrease, reaching approximately 0.3 million tonnes by 2010.
Task 2
Many people are travelling to other countries. Why? Is it a positive or negative development? |
Never before has there been a phenomenon that so many people travel overseas as it is seen today. This could be explained in numerous ways, but access to reasonable means of transport has facilitated this trend, which is certainly beneficial for the tourism industry and for mutual understanding between communities around the world.
One of the most important reasons why travelling to other countries is becoming more popular these days is the existence of cheaper modes of transport. In the past, for example, a flight ticket was too costly for the majority of people, but it is becoming increasingly affordable today. In reality, people in almost all income groups are able to pay for the cost of travelling by plane or any other means of transport.
This tendency actually benefits countries both economically and culturally. The tourism industry of each country definitely enjoys a much higher revenue from the rise in travelling internationally. Obviously, the more tourists there are, the more money comes.
This leads to the development of a wide range of services associated with tourism. MOREOVER, that going abroad is becoming a trend of popularity makes it possible for people from different cultures to understand each other more.
This contributes significantly to turning this planet into a truly ‘global village’.In conclusion, it is less expensive transportation that has led to more people travelling abroad, bringing both economic and cultural merits to the whole world. It is no wonder that one day everyone on earth is said to possibly become a global citizen.
1. Vocab highlights
- access to reasonable means of transport has facilitated this trend: Sự tiếp cận các phương tiện đi lại có giá cả hợp túi tiền đã tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho xu thế này
- the tourism industry: Ngành du lịch
- mutual understanding between communities around the world: Sự thông hiểu nhau giữa các cộng đồng trên khắp thế giới
- the existence of cheaper modes of transport: Sự tồn tại các phương tiện đi lại ít tốn kém hơn
- people in almost all income groups: Thiên hạ trong hầu như tất cả mọi nhóm thu nhập
- X benefits countries both economically and culturally: X làm lợi cho các quốc gia về phương diện kinh tế & văn hóa
- a much higher revenue: Doanh thu cao hơn nhiều
- a trend of popularity = a popular trend: Một xu thế được ưa chuộng
- both economic and cultural merits: Lợi ích về cả phương diện kinh tế & văn hóa
- a global citizen: Công dân toàn cầu
2. Structure highlights
Cấu trúc inversion mở đầu bằng phủ định từ: Never before has there been a phenomenon that so many people travel overseas as it is seen today: Trước giờ chưa bao giờ có hiện tượng có nhiều người du lịch ra nước ngoài nhiều như hiện nay
Cấu trúc double comparative: The more tourists there are, the more money comes
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 05/2020
Ngày 09-05-2020
Task 1
The maps show art gallery in Australia in 1950 and now.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. |
(Mytour sẽ cập nhật sample task 1 sau nhé!)
Task 2
In today’s world, private companies rather than the government pay for and conduct most scientific research. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages? |
1. Sample
In modern society, the fields of science and technology are considered by most as the most essential ones. Used to predominantly take place in the public sector, research and development in the science and technology sectors now have privately-owned companies at its heart. During the course of the essay, I would present the analysis of the given issue as well as to draw a rational conclusion that there are more disadvantages than advantages to this phenomenon.
There are a plethora of reasons why it is pivotal to have government-run research projects. To begin with, when research is conducted by the authority, the motive behind is consistently people-driven and not for monetary return. As a result, there is more transparency in the process. Furthermore, a government is bound to be more responsible and has complete accountability when it comes to investing public money in such research. In addition, government-run projects are often backed with the national budget, which could easily surpass the capabilities of most private institutions.
On the other hand, private organizations are more interested in gaining profits. In addition, when the funding comes from the particular organization, the results could also be biased to ensure there is a favourable outcome to the sponsoring institution. For example, the production of medicinal drugs is legally obliged to go through rigorous trials, which may take extended periods of time to complete. As private companies invest a staggering sum of money in such projects, it is unfeasible for them to wait for a longer tenure to attain the expected results. Hence, there is a higher probability of the quality-control being compromised to make the research successful.
To conclude, conducting and regulating scientific research is a controversial issue, because accountability and openness are essential to quality science. Therefore, it is only feasible if it is achieved by a non-profit agency such as the government.
2. Vocab highlights
- Predominantly: phần lớn, chủ yếu là
- at its heart: tập trung vào
- a plethora of: nhiều, đa dạng
- conducted : được tiến hành
- for monetary return: nhằm mục đích thu lợi nhuận
- To be bound to: có trách nhiệm, bị ràng buộc
- Accountability: trách nhiệm giải trình
- Surpass: vượt quá tầm
- Biased: bị thiên vị
- Sponsor: nhà tài trợ
- Rigorous: khắc nghiệt
- Staggering: gây sửng sốt
- unfeasible: không khả thi
- compromised: bị tổn hại
Ngày 16-05-2020
Task 1
The graphs show the changes in the UK industry steel between 1970 and 2000. (đơn vị milliontonnes vs thousand) |
(Mytour sẽ cập nhật sample task 1 sau nhé!)
Task 2
Today parents spend little free time with their children. Why is it the case? Who are more affected: parents or children? |
1. Sample
In this age and day, children get more diminutive proportions of their parent’s time, as the parents are indulged in their careers and this scenario can result in various critical consequences. During the course of the essay, I would elucidate the cause as well as negative effects with relevant examples.
In the contemporary world, people are busy making ends meet, which is adversely affecting the work-life balance. To commence with, in dual incomes families, children are often left with caretakers. In this situation, children often resort to indulging in watching their favourite programs to remain quiet and feeling more entertained. Besides, as the generation gap has become a norm, children might find it problematic to communicate and share their daily issues with parents.
Accordingly, the aforementioned trend results in serious behavioural and focusing predicaments. Initially, children tend to get addicted to watching television and become reluctant to direct their effort on academic or other extracurricular activities. Moreover, the boundaries between virtual and real-life could be blurred sometimes, thus imitating their favourite cartoons results in displeasing behaviour; therefore, those children could be potential subjects to social prejudice. Last but not least, as children opt for a more sedentary lifestyle, physical health issues such as obesity is unavoidable. This is particularly concerned in most developed countries.
In conclusion, I reckon that the minimal amount of time spent together between parents and children is not a good practice. And from this scenario, problematic behaviours could be severe in the long term.
2. Vocab highlights
- diminutive : nhỏ bé
- indulged : say mê, chìm đắm
- elucidate : làm sáng tỏ vấn đề
- Caretakers: người chăm sóc
- a norm: một chuẩn mực bình thường
- Predicaments: tình trạng khó khăn
- reluctant : lưỡng lự
- displeasing : không hài lòng
- Prejudice: định kiến
- reckon : đúc kết lại
Ngày 21-05-2020
Task 1
The charts show the info about the use of Internet in five countries in Europe in 2000. |
(Mytour sẽ cập nhật sample task 1 sau nhé!)
Task 2
The government should spend more money on medical research to protect citizens’ health rather than on protecting the environment. Do you agree or disagree? |
1. Sample
It is popular knowledge that the government would spend significant amounts of money in medical investment to ensure the health of its people. Nonetheless, I strongly believe that the authorities should also put equal focus on preserving our environment, apart from health-related studies. During the course of the essay, I would discuss the issues carefully and objectively before drawing a rational conclusion.
On the one hand, it is understandable why the government tendsto invest heavily in medical research rather than investing in the preservation of nature. Obviously, the development of societyhas led to an increase in the number of infectious diseases that pose severe threats to society’s well-being. Take as an example, Covid-19 which not only is responsible for a high death rate around the world but also causes economic downturns in many regions and harmsglobalization. Consequently, urgent actions must be taken by authorities to allocate funding to spearhead novel medical treatments as well as effective vaccines. Only by conducting the aforementioned could the stability of the societies be ensured.
On the other hand, despite the necessity of funding the health-care system, the integral role of ecology and, subsequently, nature sustainability should also be subjected to investments from the national budget. It is undeniable that human’s health significantly depends on surrounding elements such as air, water, and soil which are being seriously polluted by indiscriminate dumping of waste products from domestic and industrial sources. For this reason, financial support from the government to the preservation of the environment is necessary to create positive impacts. In the situation that analyses on negative impacts as well as solutions to improve the habitat quality are not immediately invested, biodiversity and humans’ well-being would face dire consequences.
In conclusion, the governing body of each nation should balance the investment in both health care research and environmental studies simultaneously in order to ensure the sustainable development of society.
2. Vocab highlights
- investment: sự đầu tư
- Preservation: sự bảo tồn
- spearhead: tiên phong, đột phá
- indiscriminate: bừa bãi
- Biodiversity: đa dạng sinh học
- dire consequences: hậu quả thảm khốc
Ngày 23-05-2020
Task 1
The maps show a road system as it is now and the proposed changes in future to reduce the number of accidents. |
Describe the key features of the data and make relevant comparisons.
(Mytour sẽ cập nhật sample task 1 sau nhé!)
Task 2
Nowadays , women as well as men work full time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks equally. ( eg cleaning and looking after children ).To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
1. Sample
In today's society, an increasing number of women are engaged in full-time employment. It is widely believed that household chores should be equally shared between men and women. Throughout this essay, I will explore the causes behind this trend as well as its potential drawbacks.
Obviously, there are a plethora of causes for this perspective. One of the most widely accepted is to promote gender equality. A stereotype taking root in society is that females are bound to stay home, taking care of the family since marriage which is relatively labour-intensive. The method, however, could have quite a few drawbacks. This will make women more inclined to keep up with what is happening on the job market, thereby creating a situation in which they may find it difficult to rejoin society. To avoid this, many women are willing to return to the workforce spontaneously after their maternity leave, and in this situation, it makes sense that their husbands should share part of the household chores fulfilling their family responsibilities.
Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge several drawbacks of this trend. One potential downside is that men are considered to be less experienced in dealing with household tasks since many seldom take an active role in doing housework, according to the customs of many countries. As a result, they possibly end up doing household tasks in an inferior manner, which could contribute to some unnecessary quarrels between partners. Eventually, these conflicts could hinder their family bond. Besides, spending a proportion of time for doing household tasks could significantly reduce the time allocated to work as the main breadwinner of the father figure; therefore, the financial prosperity of the family could receive negative impacts.
In conclusion, while conflicts may arise from the equal distribution of household responsibilities, the benefits of this trend are evident.
2. Vocab highlights
- Stereotype: định kiến xã hội
- Labour-intensive: tốn nhiều công sức
- To rejoin society: trở lại cuộc sống hàng ngày
- Maternity leave: nghỉ thai sản
- Quarrel: cãi vã nhỏ/ càm ràm hàng ngày
- Hinder: ảnh hưởng xấu/ ngăn cản
Ngày 25-05-2020
Task 1
The diagram shows rainwater is collected for the use of drinking water in an Australian town. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some people say that art (e.g. painting, music, poetry) can be made by everyone whereas others believe that it can be only made by those with special abilities. Discuss both views and give your opinion. |
Ngày 28-05-2020
Task 1
The charts give information about world forest in five differjent regions. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some people say that sports play an important role in society. Others, however, think that it is nothing more than a leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. |
Gợi ý:
- Hướng dẫn cách làm dạng bài Pie Chart Writing Task 1
Ngày 30-05-2020
Task 1
The charts compare the number of people per household in the UK in 1981 and 2001. |
The two stacked bar charts illustrate the household demographics in the UK for 1981 and 2001. Upon initial inspection, it is apparent that one-person and two-person households were the most prevalent categories in both years, with increases in their percentages. Conversely, other household sizes constituted smaller proportions and experienced corresponding declines, with six-person households being the least popular.
In 1981, two-person households accounted for 31%, the highest among the categories, and this figure saw a slight increase to 34% by 2001. A similar trend is observed in one-person households, which represented 17% initially and rose to 26% by 2001.
Contrary trends were observed in relation to the remaining categories. In 1981, 3-person, 4-person, 5-person, and 6-person households accounted for 20%, 18%, 8%, and 6% respectively. Over the following two decades, these percentages all decreased by similar margins (around 2-3%) to 17%, 15%, 6%, and 2%.
Task 2
Some education systems make students focus on certain subjects at the age of 15, while others require students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave school. What are the benefits of each system? Which do you think is a better educational system? |
In certain parts of the world, high school students are required to study a wide array of subjects whereas in some other regions, a narrower teaching scope is preferred. Either educational paradigm offers its own distinct benefits, yet I consider the latter to be the better system.
An education system comprised of a huge number of subjects is often believed to provide students with solid foundations of different natural and societal concepts. For example, a 6th grader in Vietnam is supposed to study around 12-13 subjects, which cover a very wide range of thematic areas, in the hope that at the end of the academic year, they are able to be decent at doing maths, carrying out some basic scientific experiments, and understanding key notions of history and literature. In a sense, this can be beneficial if all of the aspects are well taught, and students’ knowledge is well retained up until they graduate from high school at the age of 15.
However, I would argue that an emphasis on a certain number of subjects is a better educational approach, as it relieves students’ study pressure and allows for greater learning focus. School examinations designed for such an education system are often unnecessarily stressful, and it is not rare to encounter cases of students contemplating suicide for failure to do well in tests.
Moreover, more time spent on some particular subjects results in better knowledge retention and skill mastery. Teenagers who have a gift for music, for example, may end up becoming much better musicians in their future career if they can allocate more time doing rehearsals than being forced to memorise large amounts of information for examinations.
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that students can reap greater benefits from an education system which includes a certain number of academic disciplines. In the 21st century when professionalism and personal development are highlighted, such a paradigm will be embraced by more and more educational reformers.
Vocab highlights
- wide array of: một sự đa dạng
- teaching scope: chương trình/phạm vi giảng dạy
- educational paradigm: mô hình giáo dục
- distinct benefits: lợi ích thấy rõ
- be comprised of: bao gồm
- solid foundations: nền tảng vững chắc
- thematic areas: chủ đề, lĩnh vực, bộ môn
- in the hope that: với hi vọng rằng
- key notion: khái niệm căn bản
- retain: giữ lại
- relieve students’ study pressure: giảm nhẹ áp lực học tập
- contemplate suicide: nghĩ về việc tự sát
- knowledge retention: giữ lại kiến thức
- skill mastery: thành thạo kỹ năng
- have a gift for: có năng khiếu
- educational reformer: nhà cải cách giáo dục
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 06/2020
Ngày 04-06-2020
Task 1
The maps show the changes of an office building between the present and the future. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improving health and deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments? |
Provide rationales for your response and incorporate relevant examples from your own knowledge or experiences.
(dạng bài đặc biệt)
Ngày 06-06-2020
Task 1
The diagram below describes how storm water is recycled in an Australian city. |
The diagram provides a breakdown of stormwater harvesting in an unspecified Australian city. The initial impression from the diagram is that rainwater from drains undergoes various physical and chemical processes underground to become clean water which is stored and then reused on sunny days.
The process commences when stormwater runoff is collected from drains and then flows in pipes into an underground water recycling plant where it goes through four distinct treatment phases. Large wastes such as plastic and rubbish are discarded in the first phase, and smaller particles are later filtered out in the second phase. Microscopic impurities such as bacteria, viruses, molecules, and salt are then removed in the third and fourth phases.
Following purification, stormwater undergoes chlorination at 4mg/l and is subsequently stored in a reservoir. The process concludes by distributing the now potable water back to Australian households for reuse during sunny weather.
Vocab highlights
- stormwater harvesting: tái sử dụng nước mưa
- drain: cống
- runoff: dòng chảy
- distinct: riêng biệt
- discard: loại bỏ
- particle: phần tử
- filter out: lọc ra
- microscopic impurities: chất bẩn nhỏ không thể nhìn bằng mắt thường
Task 2
It is not necessary to travel to travel to other places to learn the culture of other people. We can learn just as much from books, films and the internet . Do you agree or disagree? |
(Mytour sẽ cập nhật sample sau nhé!)
Ngày 13-06-2020
Task 1
The chart and table below give information about what nursing graduates did after finishing their course in the UK in 2009.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Cyclists and car drivers sharing the same road might cause some problems. What are the problems? What could be done to solve those problems? |
Ngày 18-06-2020
Task 1
Annual average spending on clothes per person in the US in 1985, 1995 and 2005. |
Task 2
Nowadays, more and more women decide to have children later in their life? why? Does the advantage or disadvantage? |
Gợi ý:
- Cách làm bài dạng Advantages – Disadvantages Writing Task 2
Ngày 20-06-2020
Task 1
The monthly price of exported rice from ThaiLand and VietNam from 2012 to 2015 (Million dollars per tons) |
Task 2
Some cities create housing areas by providing taller buildings. Others create housing by building houses on a wider area of land. Which solution is better? |
Ngày 25-06-2020
Task 1
Bar |
Task 2
Governments should support care vs finance for retired people. While they should save money when they get older. Discuss both views and give opinion? |
Ngày 27-06-2020
Task 1
The line graph below shows the production of paper, wood pulp and sawn-wood in the UK from 1980 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some people think the qualities a person needs to become successful in today’s world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institution.To what extent do you agree or disagree ? |
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 07/2020
Ngày 02-07-2020
Task 1
The table below shows information and predictions regarding the change in percentage of population aged 65 and above in three countries.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Young people today spend too much money and time following fashion trends (clothing, tech) . To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Ngày 04-07-2020
Task 1
The diagrams below show changes in Felixstone in the UK between 1967 and 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
As parts of education, students should spend a period of time living in another country to learn its language and culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Ngày 09-07-2020
Task 1
The table below shows the number of cars made in three countries in 2003, 2006 and 2009. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Employers nowadays put more emphasis on social skills. Some people believe that social skills are important in addition to good qualifications for job success. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Ngày 11-07-2020
Task 1
The picture below shows the use of renewable energy accounting the total energy from 1971 to 2006. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
(Mytour sẽ cập nhật bài mẫu trong thời gian sớm nhất).
Task 2
In many countries, people are spending more hours at their workplace. Why is that? Is that a negative and positive development? |
Working overtime has been increasingly common among employees in many countries. The reason for this is the need for extra remuneration to survive, and my firm conviction is that this is more likely to bring about negative consequences.
The major reason why many people wish to work extra hours is the added payment they receive in addition to their monthly wages. Indeed, in recent years the escalating cost of living has made life increasingly difficult for people from lower classes, the salary of whom barely suffices to afford basic necessities.
This is especially the case in big cities where citizens find themselves heavily indebted when trying to handle prohibitively high day-to-day living expenses. Working additional shifts for money, consequently, has been less of an option but more of an obligation for the survival and the well-being of citizens living on low-to-middle incomes.
Working overtime negatively affects workers’ health and their personal life. In countries where work commitment is considered a virtue, employees often feel obliged to sacrifice normal eating habits and workout time for more working hours, and they are eventually subject to deteriorating health as a result.
In the worst scenario, workaholism brings in its wake ‘karoshi’, the term which was originally coined by the Japanese in the 20th century and has become increasingly popular worldwide, to indicate work-related morality. Moreover, spending more hours at work means less time for families. Many issues such as domestic violence or juvenile delinquency often result from working parents’ negligence in taking care of their children.
In conclusion, employees’ inclination towards working overtime stem from the desire to earn more, and my firm conviction is that this is a negative development as it worsens their health and deprives them of their time for family.
Vocab highlights
- overtime: (làm) thêm giờ so với giờ làm việc quy định
- remuneration: tiền nhận được khi làm việc
- added payment: phần tiền kiếm thêm
- escalating cost of living: mức sống tăng cao
- suffice: đủ
- basic necessities: nhu yếu phẩm
- prohibitively high: cao quá mức
- living expenses: chi phí sinh hoạt
- work commitment: sự tận tụy trong công việc
- virtue: đức tính
- workaholism: sự đam mê công việc
- bring in its wake: mang theo nó
- work-related morality: tử vong liên quan đến công việc
- domestic violence: bạo hành gia đình
- juvenile delinquency: phạm pháp vị thành niên
- result from: bắt nguồn từ
- negligence: sự xao nhãng trách nhiệm
- stem from: bắt nguồn từ
- inclination: sự nghiêng về
Ngày 18-07-2020
Task 1
The graph below shows the percentage of immigrants to Australia from five countries in 1962, 1982 and 2002. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. |
The bar chart outlines the percentage of individuals migrating to Australia from five countries in 1962, 1982, and 2002. In general, while migration rates from New Zealand and Italy declined, those from the UK, Vietnam, and India increased during the first half of the period but later experienced declines in the second half, with Vietnam seeing the most significant fluctuations.
In 1962, Italians accounted for 40% of immigrants to Australia, ranking highest among the five countries surveyed. The rates for the other countries were significantly lower, with 10% each for the UK and Vietnam, approximately 8% for New Zealand, and less than 3% for India.
However, rankings changed considerably over the next two decades, with Vietnamese becoming the predominant immigrant group, nearly tripling to 25%, while Italian rates halved to 20%. Meanwhile, figures for the UK and India were higher, totaling 17% and 15% respectively. New Zealand was the only country to experience a decline, decreasing moderately to 5%.
By 2002, immigrant demographics showed more even distribution. Rates for four of the five countries (the UK, India, Vietnam, and Italy) ranged from 12% to 15%, compared to a marginal 5% for New Zealand.
Task 2
Some people focus on news in their country, while others think it is more important to be aware of international news. Discuss both views and give your opinion. |
(Mytour sẽ cập nhật bài mẫu trong thời gian sớm nhất)
Ngày 23-07-2020
Task 1
The table and pie chart give information about the population in Australia according to different nationalities and areas. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some people think that schools should choose students according to their academic abilities, while others think it is better to have students of different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion? |
Đề thi IELST Writing Tháng 08/2020
Ngày 01-08-2020
Task 1
The chart below shows the average hours spent per day in leisure and sports activities, by youngest and oldest populations, in the US, in 2015. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants. Why do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw away? |
Ngày 08-08-2020
Task 1
The table below shows the number of visitors in the UK and their average spending from 2003 to 2008. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some people say that the government should spend more money taking care of elderly people while others think that government spending should be spent more on the education of young people. Discuss both views and give your opinion. |
Ngày 15-08-2020
Task 1
The bar charts and line graph below show the results of a survey conducted over a three-year period to discover what people who live in London think of the city. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some people think the money spent on developing technology for space exploration is not justified. However, there are more beneficial ways to spend this money. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Ngày 22-08-2020
Task 1
The table below shows the average weekly salaries of men and of women working in different occupations. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Many companies sponsor sports as a way for advertising themselves. Some people think it is good for the world of sports, while others think there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. |
Ngày 29-08-2020
Task 1
The maps below show changes to the ground floor plan of a university department in 2000 and 2015 |
Task 2
The most essential component of a person’s life is his or her time at working place, and life turns meaningless once no job satisfaction is obtained. To what extent do you agree of disagree? |
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 09/2020
Ngày 05-09-2020
Task 1
The diagram gives information about the process of making carbonated drinks. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some educationalists say that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Ngày 12-09-2020
Task 1
The graph below shows information about the total oil consumption of four major consumers from 2009 to 2030. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Online communication is becoming more popular than face-to-face communication in many companies. Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? |
Ngày 17-09-2020
Task 1
The table below shows information and predictions regarding the change in the percentage of the population aged 65 and above in three countries. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
In many countries, plastic containers have become more popular than ever. They are used in many businesses such as the food and drink industry. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? |
Ngày 24-09-2020
Task 1
The graphs show changes in the trends of the urban and rural population and by different age groups from 1950 to 2040. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Internet technology means people do not need to travel to foreign countries to understand how others live. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? |
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 10/2020
Ngày 10-10-2020
Task 1
The diagram shows the design of a modern landfill for household waste. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some people say that the experiences a child has before starting school have the most influence on their future life. Others say that experiences as a teenager, esp at school is more influential. Discuss both views and give your own opinion? |
Ngày 15-10-2020
Task 1
The table below shows a survey on the preference of different age groups in a European country on different TV programmes in 2012. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
It is suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals. Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? |
Ngày 24-10-2020
Task 1
The diagrams below show the present building of a college and the plan for changes to the college site in the future. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
People are living longer after they retire. What are the problems? What can be done to solve these problems? |
Ngày 31-10-2020
Task 1
The pie and bar charts below show the percentage of water consumption and use in Australia in 2004. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn literature such as novels and poems.To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 11/2020
Ngày 07-11-2020
Task 1
The bar chart below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over of three countries in 1980 and 2000 and prediction in 2030. |
Task 2
Some people think that outdoor activities bring beneficial for children’s development than playing computer games. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Ngày 12-11-2020
Task 1
The following are two filter systems.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task 2
Some people argue that individuals’ freedom should be in accordance with laws and rules, otherwise, society cannot function as it should be. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
Ngày 28-11-2020
Task 1
The diagrams show human’s cutting tools 1.4 million years ago and 80,000 years ago. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. |
Task type
Diagram dạng đặc biệt. Dạng này có độ khó cao so với các dạng processes thông thường vì vốn nó không phải quy trình (không có mũi tên). Thêm vào đó, số lượng chú thích khá ít khiến thí sinh gặp không ít khó khăn.
Essay plan
Nhìn chung, trong khoảng thời gian nhất định, công cụ cắt thời kỳ đồ đá đã được tinh chế từ một mảnh đá rời rạc đơn giản nên sắc nét và tinh vi hơn.
The given diagrams depict the development of a Stone Age cutting tool between 1.4 million years ago and 0.8 million years ago.
In general, over the given time frame, the Stone Age cutting tool has been refined from a simple fragmented piece of rock to a sharper, more sophisticated one.
The cutting tool from 1.4 million years ago was a jagged piece of rock with no identifiable shape. Its front and back side were somewhat asymmetric, and looking at the rear view, we can see that the tool was thick, and its edge was quite blunt. The overall length of the tool was about 7-8 centimeters.
Further refinement was made to the 0.8-million-year-old stone cutting tool. The tool was 2-3 centimeters longer, and it was shaped to more or less resemble a primitive, teardrop-shaped knife that was quite rough in the front and rather smooth in the back. The tip of the tool was pointed, and its edge appeared to be relatively sharp compared to its earlier, 1.4-million-year-old version.
Vocabulary highlights
depict (v): | khắc họa, mô tả |
refine (v): ⇒ refinement | được điều chỉnh cho tốt hơn |
fragmented (adj): | bị phân mảnh, thành mảnh nhỏ |
sophisticated (adj): | tinh xảo, tinh vi |
jagged (adj): | gồ ghề |
asymmetric (adj): | bất đối xứng, không đối xứng |
blunt (adj): | cùn, lụt |
resemble (v): | trông giống như |
primitive (adj): | sơ khai |
teardrop-shaped (adj): | hình giọt nước |
Task 2
Government should make laws about people’s nutrition and food choice. Other argue that is their choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion. |
(Mytour sẽ cập nhật sample task 2 sau nhé!)
Đề thi IELTS Writing Tháng 12/2020
Ngày 03-12-2020
Task 1
The bar chart describes the sales of different goods in pounds ( £) in the UK over four seasons in 2015. |
Task 2
Some people think that children should aim to their best at what they doing. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion? |
Ngày 05-12-2020
Task 1
The diagrams below show changes of a cinema from 1980 until now. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. |
The diagrams illustrate changes that have been made to a cinema from 1980 to the present day. Overall, the cinema underwent extensive renovations, with additional cinemas and various amenities added to both the left and right sides.
In 1980, the cinema was mostly empty with just two theaters. The first was located immediately to the left of the entrance, while the second was positioned on the relatively empty right side. Over the next 40 years, this area of the cinema saw the addition of three more theaters, with the original Cinemas 1 and 2 moved to the left-hand side.
Other significant changes include the addition of facilities catering to the diverse needs of moviegoers. An area serving food and drinks and a relaxation room were established, occupying the space where Cinema 1 once stood. Additionally, the old refreshment stand in the right corner near the entrance was transformed into a DVD shop. Unchanged areas include the restroom (now located between Cinemas 1 and 2) and the ticket box office to the left of the entrance.
Vocabulary highlights
- modification: sự thay đổi, điều chỉnh
- unspecified: không xác định
- extensive renovations: sự đổi mới toàn diện
- amenity: cơ sở vật chất
- vacant: trống trải
- unoccupied: trống, chưa có gì choán chỗ
- cater for: phục vụ
- additionally: thêm vào đó
- drink stall: quầy bán nước
- be converted (into): được chuyển đổi thành
Task 2
Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. |
There are differing opinions on whether modern technology aids in shopping. Despite some inconveniences such as the inability to try on clothes and limited refund policies, I personally believe this advancement brings more benefits as it saves time and energy, provides more choices, and offers detailed product information.
On one hand, online shopping has its shortcomings. A notable drawback is the inability to try on clothes purchased online. The lack of physical examination of products can be problematic as items may not fit or may have minor details that are undesirable. Refund policies can also pose disadvantages in certain cases. Issues like ill-fitting clothing or unwanted details may prompt shoppers to seek exchanges or refunds. Since transactions are conducted electronically, the refund process can be lengthy and complex, involving form-filling and awaiting store responses.
Advocates, conversely, present a compelling argument in favor of this trend. One prominent advantage is the ease of saving both resources and time. Nowadays, people tend to click on items from online stores and make payments even during late nights or early mornings, rather than traveling long distances to major retail outlets. Bargain hunters can conveniently shop more extensively, and online stores compete vigorously with each other, driving prices down. Price comparison websites facilitate easier deal hunting, enabling shoppers to discover the most cost-effective online retailers. Another notable feature is the availability of public feedback from verified customers. By reading reviews posted by other shoppers, individuals can swiftly identify shops with excellent reputations or the most worthwhile products.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that as long as consumers carefully select items for online shopping based on their types and reviews, digital technology proves to be an invaluable shopping tool due to its time-saving capabilities and the wide range of competitive prices available.
- To bear (v): chịu
- Inadequate (adj): Không đủ, thiếu
- Virtually (adv): hầu như. Đồng nghĩa: Nearly, almost
- Refund Policy: chính sách đổi trả
- Reimbursement (n): tiền hoàn trả
- Advocate (n): người ủng hộ
- E-commerce (n): thương mại số
- Bargain hunter (n): người săn khuyến mãi
- Retailer (n): Người hoặc doanh nghiệp bán lẻ
Ngày 12-12-2020
Task 1
The percentage of people by age group in one country in 2015. Who used mobile/cell phone for four situations. |
Task 2
To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? |
Ngày 19-12-2020
Task 1
The chart show the different how three countries learn English in 2010 and 2015. |
Task 2
In some countries, only a few young people go to classical music concerts or plays and performances in theater. Why? Should young people be encouraged to attend more classical music plays and performances? |