Câu hỏi về chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Advice
1. Những vấn đề gặp phải nếu bạn hỏi quá nhiều người cho lời khuyên?
2. Nhân cách của những người có công việc làm cẩm nang cho người khác là gì?
3. Việc hỏi ý kiến từ những người lạ trên mạng có tốt không?
4. Người ta có nên chuẩn bị trước khi cho lời khuyên?
Dưới đây là hai cách trả lời mẫu đến từ cô Hoài Thương (Mytour HCM) và thầy Phan Hải (Mytour HN) mà bạn có thể tham khảo nhé
Câu trả lời mẫu (Sample Answer)
1. What are the challenges if you seek advice from many people?
Sample 1: Even though it sounds tempting, asking multiple people for advice can backfire. Clearly, advice seekers will be overwhelmed with options. They might not know who to follow and what is actually good for them. They might end up procrastinating because they just don’t know what to do next. This is actually the case for students who study IELTS. Some want to improve their speaking skills and keep getting contradictory advice, like: be careful with mistakes, don’t care about mistakes, just continue speaking to maintain your fluency.
- tempting (adj): hấp dẫn
- backfire (v): phản tác dụng
- overwhelm (v): choáng ngợp
- option (n): tùy chọn
- procrastinate (v): trì hoãn
- contradictory (adj): mâu thuẫn
- maintain (v): duy trì
Sample 2: In all honesty, I am a firm believer in individuality, which might be the reason why I never feel the need to consult more than two people for advice; but, I guess being bombarded with advice could throw a person into a dilemma, then they might not know which one suits them more than another. Another potential problem is that they might be seeking advice from the wrong person, whose advice might put them in jeopardy.
- individuality: tính cá nhân
- consult: tham khảo ý kiến
- being bombarded with: bị bắn phá với
- dilemma: tình trạng khó xử
- jeopardy: nguy cơ
2. What are the characteristics of individuals who professionally offer advice to others?
Sample 1: They should be open-minded and generous. Some people have very set opinions on the matter and they believe that they are always right. But the world is changing faster than ever before. So it’s important to keep an open mind and provide a suitable solution. And of course, giving advice is hard work, it takes time, effort and patience. Some people might even have difficulties sharing their problems so advisors should be willing to listen to them and should not make a half-hearted attempt.
- open-minded (adj): cởi mở
- generous (adj): hào phóng
- set (adj): cố định
- keep an open mind: nghĩ thoáng ra
- patience (n): kiên nhẫn
- half-hearted (adj): nửa vời
Sample 2: I believe that to be a good consultant, one must boast the ability to listen and analyze, which primarily is to get down to the core issue. Then, he must have a sense of sentiment, as, without it, any advice might turn into an insult, and that is undesirable. Finally, he should be negotiable, as a piece of advice should be a consensus between the consultant and consultee.
- consultant: tư vấn
- boast: khoe khoang
- sentiment: tình cảm
- consensus: đoàn kết
3. Is it advisable to seek advice from unfamiliar individuals online?
Sample 1: I believe it does more harm than good. First off, confiding in random strangers who do not fully understand your situation is a risky choice. They might not have any credibility or willingness to help. Being anonymous, they can type just about everything, no matter how disturbing or problematic it is. The second problem is privacy. When people share their story online, they may unknowingly reveal some of their personal information, which may make them victims of identity theft and even doxxing.
- does more harm than good: hại nhiều hơn lợi
- confide (v): tâm sự
- risky (adj): rủi ro
- credibility (n): sự uy tín
- anonymous (adj): ẩn danh
- disturbing (adj): đáng lo ngại
- problematic (adj) có vấn đề
- privacy (n): sự riêng tư
- unknowingly (adv): vô tình
- reveal (v): tiết lộ
- identity theft: hành vi trộm cắp danh tính
- doxxing (n): đe dọa trực tuyến
Sample 2: One should never in a million years opt for advice from strangers, since, firstly, their advice might be completely irrelevant, even with genuine intention. What’s more, online advice sometimes comes from people who might be indifferent to any situations outside of their zone, so their input might be deemed useless.
- never in a million years opt for: không bao giờ lựa chọn
- genuine intention: ý định thực sự
- indifferent: vô tư
- outside of their zone: bên ngoài khu vực của họ
4. Is preparation necessary before giving advice?
Sample 1: Sure, preparation time is never wasted time. It is better to find out about the background information and available options. If not, the piece of advice can be inappropriate. They should also prepare in case their advice is disregarded. Some can be offended by that, negatively judge and distance themselves from the advice seeker. Knowing the negative emotions they could feel, they might behave more rationally.
- disregard (v): bỏ lơ
- offended: bị xúc phạm
- distance (v): giữ khoảng cách
- rationally (adv): hợp lý
Sample 2: It depends on the circumstances; if that is something that they got in their bag, then no points to prepare. For instance, when they have survived a car accident, and now they are giving advice about driving safely. Yet, if they are put in a professional environment, like management consulting, then, of course, they have to prepare a profound knowledge of the subject matter.
- got in their bag: có trong túi của họ
- profound: thâm thúy
Bài mẫu bởi cô Hoài Thương & thầy Phan Hải – Mytour