'AC horsepower', often referred to as 'engine horsepower', is a term widely used in the air conditioning and cooling industry. It's crucial for measuring an air conditioner's power and directly impacts its cooling efficiency. Mytour Blog offers insights into AC horsepower and how to easily determine your unit's power.
What Does AC Horsepower Mean?
Horsepower (HP) is a power measurement unit commonly used to evaluate an air conditioner's cooling performance. It is a vital parameter that informs users about their air conditioner's operational power, originating from the concept that an air conditioner's power is comparable to that of a real horse.
In English, air conditioner power is known as Horse Power, abbreviated as HP. One HP is equivalent to about 9000 British Thermal Units (BTU), a unit for measuring the heat value of fuel or the power of heating and cooling devices.
One horsepower equals 1HP, commonly used in household air conditioners, with 2.5 HP being the maximum. 1HP equals 0.746(kW) or 746(W), meaning an air conditioner consumes 0.746 kW or 746W of electric power per hour of operation.
How to Easily Identify the Horsepower of Your Air Conditioner
Discover simple and straightforward methods to determine the horsepower of your air conditioner.
Check the air conditioner's label for BTU/h to find its horsepower
Labels, typically attached directly to the air conditioner, provide essential information. To find out the horsepower, simply check the BTU/h rating on the label.
Determine Air Conditioner Horsepower from the Model Number
To find out your air conditioner's horsepower without checking the label, look at the product's model number. Each air conditioner model has a unique number. For example, if your model number is 'IC-18TL32,' the '18' indicates it has a capacity of 18,000 BTU, equivalent to 2 HP, meaning you're using a 2 horsepower air conditioner.
Common Air Conditioner Horsepower Ratings Today
The market currently offers two popular types of air conditioners: 1 horsepower (1HP) and 2 horsepower (2HP).
1 Horsepower Air Conditioner (1 HP)
A 1 horsepower air conditioner, equivalent to about 9,000 BTU/h, is typically sufficient for cooling a bedroom or a small living room. It's a common choice for apartments and small offices under 15 square meters.
2 Horsepower Air Conditioner (2 HP)
A 2 horsepower air conditioner, equivalent to 2 HP or 18,000 BTU/h, is ideal for spaces ranging from 20m2 to 30m2 like large rooms or areas requiring rapid cooling.
How to Choose the Right Air Conditioner Horsepower for Your Room Size
Here are simple formulas to help you easily identify the suitable air conditioner horsepower for your room size:
- Formula Based on Room Area
Required capacity for the room = Room area x 600 BTU (equals 600 BTU/m2)
For example, if your room is 20m2, you'll need an air conditioner with a capacity of 20 x 600 = 12000 BTU, equivalent to 1.5 HP.
Diện tích phòng | Phòng 15m2 trở xuống | Phòng 15m2 đến 20m2 | Phòng 20m2 đến 30m2 | Phòng 30m2 đến 40m2 |
Máy lạnh có số ngựa phù hợp | 1HP | 1.5HP | 2HP | 2.5HP |
- Formula Based on Room Volume
Required capacity for the room = Room volume x 200 BTU (equals 200 BTU/m3)
Room volume = Room area x Room height. For instance, if your room is 20m2 and 3m high, you'll need an air conditioner with a capacity of 20 x 3 x 200 = 12000 BTU, equivalent to 1.5 HP.
- Formula Based on the Temperature Difference Between Outdoors and Indoors
Capacity = Room volume x Temperature difference between outdoors and indoors x Insulation factor
The insulation factor depends on construction materials, number of windows, direct heat sources, and the number of people in the room. For example, if your room volume is 60m3, the temperature difference between outdoors and indoors is 10 degrees C, and the insulation factor is 30, you will need an air conditioner with a capacity of 60 x 10 x 30 = 18000 BTU, equivalent to 2 HP.
These basic insights help you understand what AC horsepower is and how to easily determine the horsepower of an air conditioner. We hope this information is essential and useful for choosing the right air conditioner for your family's needs. Don't forget to visit Mytour for shopping quality electrical appliances at great prices!